Thursday, August 28, 2008

We're the Only Ones Making You Lucky Enough

During the arrest, one of the officers can be heard saying to Eslocker, "You're lucky I didn't knock the f..k out of you."

When "Only Ones" and "Authorized Journalists" collide....

Might as well grab some popcorn and enjoy the show--I doubt it will temper most reporters' statist tendencies and belief in government gun control.


  1. I saw some footage about violations of campaign finance law. Similar news crews taped organizers OUTSIDE on PUBLIC SIDEWALKS putting their hands over the lens and saying "Get away from my event."
    The report showed how lobbyists skirt the law against donating sit-down meals to congressmen ("no food eaten with knives and forks is allowed") by serving them many bite-sized pieces of filet mignon in large Chinese soup spoons.
    As for the cop who wants to heal the disease called the First Amendment by laying on of hands...
    Joe Biden says we don't have to accept a situation we cannot bear.
    When the MEDIA are abused... the OBAMA-LOVING media...
    You KNOW things are in the toilet.
    Ah, but it's Denver. Never mind.

  2. Journalists say their job is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Sometimes they're confused as to who is which. I think late '08 is going to be a very educational time for them.

  3. the cop is very lucky it wasn't me he said was "lucky I didn't slap the f*** out of you." Because I would have replied "No, you are lucky you didn't". At which point he would have done so. And then he would have sealed his fate that his survivors would mourn.

    This seems to be a habit with Democrat conventions, has everybody forgotten the police riots of the '68 convention in Chicago?

  4. I haven't watched any of the convention, but I stumbled on some coverage of it on CNN and I was sickened. My God! These people are worshipping at the altar. No substance in any thing they said but tons of glowing praise for every speaker, every Democrat and exaltation of Obama. News, my aching ass.

    Wonder if ABC will grow enough balls to quit pretending they see no evil, now. I don't think so. I think they will accept a deal, don't want to scare white people or be principled when pragmatism is so much easier and requires no courage.

  5. Straightarrow,

    Yes, exactly. I was going to say earlier that he'd have to watch every shadow, and then while he was jumping at shadows, something would suddenly come from an unexpected direction and knock the f--- out of him. Repeatedly. Once a bear tastes human flesh, you can't break it of that compulsion. People are more complex than bears, of course, but the cure is the same.

  6. This is completely unacceptable in the US; it's what I'd expect from China, Russia, Myanmar, North Korea, or Iran.

    There must be serious consequences (not just suspension) for the arresting officer(s). If rights are infringed without consequence, then we really are no different from those other countries.


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