Thursday, August 07, 2008

Why So Silent, Brady Campaign?

Conservatives don't have friends and I don't consider them to qualify for personhood.


And consider me more highly motivated than ever to put the last gun in the crusher where they all belong.
Advocating total disarmament and spreading the public message that individuals belonging to a group you hate are subhuman with the intent of effecting social change against them. And if they're not persons, they have no say. Where have we seen that before?

So why are the Brady's not decrying this genocide-enabling end product of that slippery slope they say doesn't exist? Why do they "cater" to it instead? They should come down from their guard tower and explain themselves.

Hey, if they can pin responsibility for Mike Vanderboegh on the NRA...


  1. One of the reasons I will never EVER give up even ONE of my guns. They're out there, and they want us dead because they blame the 99% of us for the criminal acts of the 1%.
    One commenter magnanimously offers to allow us to continue to have guns for hunting and target shooting, but "an assault rifle or grenades? Who needs that, and why?"
    "I don't consider [conservatives] to qualify for personhood]."
    That's why. Because some politicians LISTEN to people like that.
    The "personhood" comment DOES come after the "grenades" one. Still, the AW-phobic commenter needs to READ something else besides Mother Jones sometime.
    THEY are coming out from under their rocks. THEY sense a dictatorship aborning and will take full advantage of either major-party candidate's authoritarian tendencies.

  2. Today's paper: In Afghanistan, the Taliban executed two women for allegedly running a prostitution ring for American soldiers.
    I guess they didn't consider them as qualifying for personhood.
    They died with their burqas on.
    Taliban, gun banners. Samey-same.

  3. Actually, I am a lot worse than the facists realize. All they'll have to do, to have their worst fears realized, is poke me with the right stick in the right place. They won't need no majority vote, and they won't need no saviour with a good suit and a smarmy bitch at his side. III


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