Thursday, August 07, 2008

Why Mike Vanderboegh is Right

I'm surprised I didn't notice this before--it's a very well-written defense.

Yesterday's offering reinforced a growing sense of how profound and true so much of what Mike writes is, and how shallow, poorly thought out and just plain childish so much of the criticism is.


  1. Thanks for the compliment and the linkage, David.
    It's just too bad so many who should be with Mike have mixed with the flock so long as to learn to despise his wisdom.

  2. I don't care what anybody says about Mike. I've agreed with him and admired his writings since he showed up on the radar.

  3. I'm sure glad we have Mike on our side. I would hate to think of someone who can make such strong points using simple logic and truth being on the other side.
    But, good thing for us, the other side doesn't know what simple logic and truth are. They engage in twisted logic and at best, half truths.
    If Mike's headstone had anything on it it should be, "I was never called shy", LOL!

  4. Pretty much sums up why I've been quite. Other than the Hatefulness of it all,it's just plain childish and self centered.

    I stopped getting sucked into name calling 30+ yrs. ago. And we'll see when they're dug from their basement and wall hiding spots what they'll do. CIII

  5. We just want our rights unmolested. For that, they call us murderers and "don't think we qualify for personhood."
    Who's extreme?
    As private sales and trades of firearms come under attack -- the result of many decades of our side backing up a baby step at a time so as NOT to appear "extreme" -- and universal registration looms the way it did before The End in Australia and Britain... saying "This far and no farther" isn't extreme, it's all that's left to us. That, and the choice to be shot or burned out by the designated confiscators, or shoot OURSELVES rather than contribute to the death of the greatest republic ever to be conceived, by surrendering to those who would as soon see us dead.
    "I don't care if you think this is America and you have rights -- if you have a gun you should go to jail."
    Thanks, Rosie, for reminding us what we're dealing with. Extremists.

  6. Why should any of us be surprised by the "moderation" and watering down of maintaining the fundamentals? Surely you all have seen it across the board in this country? I can point to writings 50-75 years ago where individuals were departing from steadfastly maintaining the truth, and accused everyone who wanted to maintain the truth, of being "funny-dementalists," "sticks in the mud," etc., etc.

    It just so happens that the departure from plain, fundamental truth that began in the early 1800's has finally hit the core of 2A supporters.

    Take a long, hard look at every other area in society, they "moderated" and compromised a long time ago.

    The truth is the compromisers and liars will do anything to cover up the fact that they compromised and bought into a lie. That makes them more dangerous than someone who holds to the truth and has nothing to cover up and lie about.

    The compromisers know they are bankrupt, and they will do anything to hide that fact.

    Thank you very much, I will stay a fundamentalist, stick in the mud!

    Unrestricted RKBA is strong evidence of a fundamental truth about man's nature. Thus, everyone but a very few who are willing to admit the truth about themselves want to bury it.

  7. I'm a little late to the show, I guess, but I've not been following the blogs for the past couple weeks.

    Anyway, I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. Mike simply made it clear that any attempt to force compliance with licensing and registration would result in bloodshed. People who believe in licensing and registration need to be reminded of that every now and then, because their hearts and minds aren't going to be won, they merely need to be made to be cautious.

    I also don't get what all this talk of "Where's the line?" and the poorly formed poll over at SiH. There isn't a single line. I think rather there are simply a few questions, which I will do my best to sum up:

    When will you finally begin to simply disobey? I think registration is certainly the point, if not licensing, where a lot of people will simply disobey.

    What price are you willing to pay for that disobedience? Some people are willing to submit themselves to trial and hope for a win or an expansion of rights. Others may not. But usually you have to hope that you're actually going to win something with these lawsuits and not just avoid losing any more than what the strain of the trial has cost them in and of itself.

    When would you be outraged enough on someone else's behalf to join the fray? That's the real question. For instance, and this is just a rhetorical question, what if Olofson had refused to submit to a trial, or had refused to abide by the decision? Would the 3-percenters back him up, while the rest simply whined about how bad the ruling was for them? What if the FLDS raid had led to a month-long stand-off?

    Anyway, I just can't believe all of the "We can only have one tactic and yours is wrong!!!!" and the "We can't let them know what we really think!!!!" talk. It's ridiculous. Whether or not you want to present yourself as among the "extremists," I think it's still in your best interest to occasionally remind the gun grabbers that the "extremists" will be a factor.

    No matter what, many people will have to make grave sacrifices in order to have true progress. How much you're willing to sacrifice is up to you.

  8. I really think sometimes one needs to let slip the dogs of war, when it's appropriate. Pointing that out to people isn't seditious.

  9. I might add that I gave my Christmas bonus last year to Mr. Fincher's legal team after trying to raffle a STI to benefit him got screwed because of squabbling in his family about who would be in charge of this that and whatever.

    Some of us would even go further than that if somebody made us.


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