Friday, September 19, 2008

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Straße

When it comes to securing the homeland, who better to help you sleep at night than various characters from the popular children’s show, “Sesame Street" ... ?!?
And Elmo's new armband looks so cute...

Oh, look--they even have a new theme song!

[Via Zachary G]


  1. I think it's a good idea. After all, they're talking specifically about emergency preparedness. I would certainly appreciate my four-year-old learning what to do in the case of a flood or a hurricane, because he may certainly encounter one before he becomes an adult. Plus it's good for parents too. How many adults can't remember a word from their French courses, but can count to ten in Spanish because of a cute jingle on Sesame Street?

  2. Nezumi, that's fine, if that's all the farther it goes, but why do I feel an underlying theme of "Do as the authoritahs say!"?

    Homelandt zekuritie fur zhe Fazzerlandt! Ja! Sieg Heil!

  3. I don't have any faith in the gov's ideas of "emergency preparedness". "Duck and cover" comes to mind.

  4. "This could be perverted into a dreadful weapon." -- "Star Trek II"

    I kid you not, the verification code just came up "yjail."
    Y? Because the neighbor's kids saw me with my BB gun in the back yard and called the kommissar.
    OK, preparedness is good, but so many people live in a pre-9/11 world: investing heavily in the stock market, voting for the same-old same-old, railing against REAL preparedness where we're most likely to need it.

    "Ah, roger, base, we need a national security letter on "Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem." With a name like that, they gotta be subversive scum..."

  5. nezumi,
    Here's an idea. If you want YOUR 4 year old to learn about emergency preparedness, TEACH your 4 year old about emergency prep. OTOH, you could just have your kid help you prepare.


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