Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So Happy Together

New York City will pay to install a better security camera system in a Virginia gun store that will make other changes to its sales practices, resolving a lawsuit the city filed two years ago...

Both sides said they were happy with the resolution.
Sorry. I understand why and all that, but then I look at examples set by Ryan Horsley and Jay Wallace, and...

Maybe I'm being unfair. But that "happy" comment didn't sit right.

[Via SameNoKami]


  1. There's a huge difference between Ryan and Jay's dealing over this one. With Ryan and Jay they were up against the federal government where these folks are up against NYC in NYC with shopped judges that will not follow the laws. How much money does a shop have to fight a scam in NYC before they go belly up and are forced to shut down.
    Frankly, the state of VA let its business folks down by not stepping in and saying if these business folks didn't directly engage in interstate dealings than the state of VA will not allow any court judgement from NYC to be enforced.
    One thing that has always made me wonder is James Webb who was going to fight for the folks of VA and was pro gun. So much for him doing that.

  2. Jay's fighting Bloomberg, AJ.

  3. Cameras are prone to get dirty lenses. We should all do our part to help.

    But then the question is, who gets to review the camera's record. If it is the gun store, then I have no problem with that. They probably want to prevent theft, after all. But if NYC gets to review all the camera's video, then I say, let the vaseline smear where it may.

  4. Vaseline is an excellent way to waterproof the connects ;)

  5. David, I agree.
    But that NYC bastard is using taxpayer money.

  6. Can't imagine the feed is not accessible at Bloomberg's ECC, or whatever replaced Giuliani's ECC in WTC 7, the diesel fuel for which helped destroy that structure.

    But since NYPD Intel already covers the world (hmm, independent of DHS?) what's little 'ol VA to 'em. Oops, is that an NYPD/Bloomberg security car turning my corner?


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