Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Carrie Dann Reporting

With many citizens convinced of their right under the constitution to keep and bear arms...
What, you mean like people who believe in ghosts or UFOs? This makes it sound debatable.

And here's some new information:
But the semi-automatic ammunition used in one of the weapons would have been illegal under an assault weapons ban that expired in 2004...
Which ammo? It can't be the .22LR for the Walther P22, so you must mean the 9mm rounds used in the Glock 19?

I think you meant "magazine," Carrie, but being an "Authorized Journalist" we'll give you a pass, and even put your name in the hat for the next award. And you did know that pre-ban magazines were still being bought and sold, didn't you?

Still, there's plenty of useful stuff here, particularly as it pertains to my favorite Lightworker, particularly when useful idiots like Gregg or Scotty or any of these subversive tools, tell us what a great pal he is to "sportsmen."

For instance: The quote about the 19-round "clip" that "you shouldn't be hunting with"; or gun "zoning laws"; and particularly his voting against a self-defense consideration following the Hale DeMar case. All that and more...

The point being, it helps to be able to refer to NBC as a source rather than NRA, at least as far as defusing "gun lobby talking points" charges.

[Via HZ]


  1. (Unrelated to article, apologies again)

    I am surprised that, with Bob Barr being shown for what he was, there has been no more comments about the only apparent guy standing. I was reviewing my absentee ballot and noticed Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution party down there at the bottom. He seems a bit too conservative for my tastes, but against a democrat congress and with the support of Ron Paul, he seems the best option standing. He may be crazy, but at least he's my brand of crazy.

    I'm curious if there's something else going on, or a reason why Mr. Codrea has not warranted him at least a mention on this blog?

  2. I like to hunt and use magazine rifles at times and single shot rifles and pistols at other times, though I've never needed a follow up shot with either. Knock wood.

    All my kills have been one shot kills so far in 30 years or so of actual practice.

    Are they going to take away peep sights and optics next?

    "Assault optics and sighting devices"???

  3. Hey now, careful with spelling some of those names. Innocents could get splashed.

    I am not, and never have been a fuddite, a marxist or a subversive. Well, at least not as far as weapon rights go.

  4. I have read too much of Baldwin's writings to be able to support him. I am not in favor of any kind of theocracy, Christian or muslim.

  5. One of John Moses Browning's finer inventions rests on top of my book that has the writings about Moses in it on my bedside table.

    I think he'd smile to know that and curse this country for the sheep it has bred and invited to come to breed. I like to think G-d smiles on me as well.

    We shall see, in the final reckoning, we shall see...

  6. "Semi-automatic ammunition?" Does that mean that the spent casings reload themselves?

  7. It's true--I've been remiss in mentioning the CP, and they are great on guns. Nezumi, if you wish to submit newslinks for consideration, please feel free.

    I'll do a feature this week.

    But please keep comments on topic for the post. If you want me to look at or cover something, I make my email public for that reason.

  8. really tired of this kind of "create and shape the issue" crap.

    "politicians are reluctant to take on the gun issue"

    there is no GUN ISSUE. there is GOVERNMENT ISSUE, but the rest of us have to buy them.

    "Whether it is for small-game hunting, for weekend trips to the shooting range, or for the security offered by a weapon in a locked cabinet, gun ownership is a source of pride and personal safety for millions of Americans."

    what, no caribou? oh that's right, you'd need assault-type cartridges for that.

    and no mention of the stated purpose of the second amendment, of course: the violent overthrow of a tyrannical government. surely we should reason with them and offer them money instead.

    epic fail.

  9. Second article I've seen with the phrase, "for now", in it. I think maybe they got ideas for when and if Hussein gets in the WH. I have another "for now". Gun owners by and large are a peaceful, live and let live group, for now. There hasn't been any recent legislation that is anti-gun, for now. Legislation that is anti-gun, is in committee, for now. The Marxist liar who pretends he loves his country, has protested his support of the SA, for now.

  10. "security offered by a weapon in a locked cabinet"

    yeah, some security when it's not easily accessible...

    oh wait, we trust the...

    ONLY ONES! with the easily accessible weapons!


  11. Mentions DC's stint as the murder capital of the nation, but NOT its total ban on handguns during that time, before and since.
    I cannot vote for a politician who wants to "balance my rights" with ANYTHING. Government's job is to PROTECT rights. That's why we sovereigns cede some of our power to it.
    If it doesn't, we need to reclaim that ceded power.
    Doesn't mention that Va. Tech, like DC, is a guns-prohibited zone. Cho was DEPENDING on it.
    Well, at least MSNBC acknowledges that there IS disagreement with gun control, however deluded it may consider us to be.
    Yeah, after seeing photos from five or 10 20th-century genocides, I'm pretty CONVINCED that I have the right.

  12. I'm seeing a pattern here:

    Tell the banks who to lend to;
    when disaster happens, "See? The "free" market is a failure!

    Tell health insurance companies what they can/can't do, prices skyrocket, young healthy people choose not to enroll
    "See? "Our" healthcare "system" is broken- we need government control!
    2nd amendment effectively neutered from it's stated purpose, only criminals actually "bear" arms
    "See? The 2nd amendment is outdated- we need less freedom!"


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