Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ethics from the Barrel of a Gun

Mama Liberty writes:
This is one of the best articles I've ever seen on the subject. I thought you'd enjoy it - and maybe the rest of the site...
She's right. Click on the title link and see for yourself.


  1. ah, i've read this before! ESR is pretty good on some topics.

  2. A salient point that popped into my brain while reading this:
    Many of the anti gun crowd justify their position with the statement, "well, I just don't trust myself posessing such a lethal instrument!" The proper rejointer is, then I assume you will relinquish your driver's license and never get behind the wheel of an automobile again, right?
    The antis live on emotion and one-liners. We should be prepared with the ammunition to fire back.

  3. A few years back I read The Cathedral and the Bazaar by ESR and enjoyed it so much that I spent some time reading all his writings on his site. It was his writings on the 2A issue and this essay in particular that actually convinced me that a true intellectual could, and indeed must embrace this issue. I credit ESR with converting me from a Fudd to a 2A advocate and thus opening my eyes to the Libertian movement. Thanks for linking it!


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