Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're the Only Ones Driven Enough

High-tech Onlyonemobiles. Because I guess regular cars aren't good enough, and hey, gotta spend it to justify next year's budget increase, when we can complain about how outgunned and outcarred we are.

I do wonder though--if one of us had one of these, would it magically transmute from a patrol car to an assault car?

[Via David H]


  1. David,
    In this one instance I think its good for the police to have this different from the general public. I will know exactly when a cop is behind me or at the next corner. No more looking at every dodge charger, chevy impala, crown vic or mercury marquis suspiciously.

  2. If it comes with a unique blinking high-intensity strobe light on the top, mores the better.

    Forget radar detectors - I want a cop detector.

  3. I will know exactly when a cop is behind me or at the next corner.

    two tips for this.

    one: get used to quickly scanning headlight patterns, even at night. crown vics are unmistakeable, and the chevy impala is not so hard either.

    two: if you look in your rearview (tilted for normal viewing, not night/filtered) at a vehicle behind you, you will not be able to see through both the windshield and the rear window if both of them are tinted, and only police vehicles are allowed this feature. at night, the headlights of a third car behind the suspect vehicle will shine through differently. get used to scanning for that, too.

  4. The fancier they are, the more "achilles heels" they have.

  5. I have to agree that I think it is just fine for them to have a different looking car so that people can't imitate police so easily (the cars must be returned to the company for decommissioning) and making them easier to spot. Not only that but they are supposed to have much better fuel economy due to lower weight, less drag and use of a turbo diesel so that should save taxpayer money, or at least free up more of the budget for APCs with mounted .50cals.

  6. Well, I have to say, if nothing else, they have perfectly captured the tone of current law enforcement. The car does have a sinister look. That fits right in with current law enforcement philosophy.

  7. Whether the police need these or not, I would like to see one of these done as an EMS response vehicle. That looks like one of the best light packages I've ever seen.

    I doubt it could hold all of our equipment, though. :(


  8. Looks like something out of Mega-City One.


  9. Meh ... 0-60 in 6.5.

    There are Civics that run faster.


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