Monday, October 27, 2008

Meanwhile, Over in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Every police force in the UK is to be equipped with mobile fingerprint scanners - handheld devices that allow police to carry out identity checks on people in the street.
And if you'll step over here, we're going to need a urine sample, and let me just slip on this latex glove...

But don't worry. We're not keeping a database.


Coming soon to a continent near you. There is no aspect of public or private lives that some won't insist on monitoring, approving, disallowing, controlling...


  1. The Bible is true, people. This stuff looks more and more like the Mark of the Beast foretold in the Revelation. 666...tick...tick...tick...

  2. What kills me is, that I tell people about this kind of crap, and they either don't believe it, or they don't think it's so bad. Revelation, yup, I know. But the Temple still hasn't been rebuilt, cleansed, and sanctified.And it has to be done BEFORE the Tribulation starts. Crotalus, I got one guess as to who you think the Beast is, and it ain't Milton Berle. Since there are a lot of questions as to Husseins' true parentage, you could be correct. Another clue would be Urkel only released a one page document to the press about his health/physical.

  3. Actually, I don't think Obama's the Beast, if you think that's who I was thinking, but certainly the things he wants to do in government will help pave the way.

  4. I had occasion to interact with some police officers at an event. It was obvious who were the superior and who the inferior. The social pleasantries were absent. "You're in my way," and "What time does X event start?" No "Hi, how ya doin'?," "Excuse me, could you tell me...?" or any of that, just orders.
    Oooooo-KAAAAAYYY. Life will be even easier for me when the ball drops, the balloon goes up, the fat lady clears her throat.

  5. I had read about these being in Britain before, but I didn't have a clue that this was already here in the US. Oh, of course, the LAPD, and they plan on adding facial recognition soon too. However, it seems that would require a database of facial pictures to match against. Are they linked up to the DMV or something? Can you legally refuse to provide your fingerprints, or does the law compell you?


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