Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're the Only Ones Entrepreneurial Enough

The TSA reached a mind-boggling new low in customer service this week when it was revealed that one agent had single-handedly absconded with over $200,000 worth of travelers' belongings, primarily cameras and laptops, and proceeded to unload his booty on eBay. His latest haul: A near-$50,000 camera that an HBO employee had been traveling with.
I feel so much safer flying, knowing there are "Only Ones" out there like Pythias Brown, who make sure people like you and me (who can't be trusted) don't try slipping anything past "security."

[Via Chris Horton]

1 comment:

  1. The pit full of half-starved,wild dogs comes to mind. But after all, he was just following the US Congress' example.


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