Thursday, October 30, 2008

When Liberals Collide

Doing a few sit-ups and push-ups in Santa Monica turned James Birch into a scofflaw -- and cost him $158 to boot.

Maybe they were "assault sit-ups"...?

If you've ever been to the People's Republic of Santa Monica, you know it is one of the most Far Left places this side of Pyongyang or even Berkeley. So there is a bit of hoist by their own petard satisfaction in watching the collective scrap over how "communal property" is to be equitably redistributed...especially when they add enforcers into the mix.

I don't know where these physical jerks get off exercising on their own initiative and time anyway...


  1. a sitter upper is so much safer to accost than a drug dealing gang, and the added benefit is that owners of multi-million dollar homes are grateful, whereas the use of the police to stop real crime is just perceived as their job. Shit! Don't want to be caught doing that. No cop has ever been kept from going home at the end of the day by a medicine ball tosser.

    I mean come on, they put their lives on the line every day, cholesterol and negligent discharges of their duty guns can be soooooo stressful.

  2. They won't translate this into empathy for gun owners and freedom advocates, who are pariahs because ONE PERCENT misuse them. They can't make that leap of logic, even though they're the people OUTRAGED to find out during the LA riots that the 13-DAY waiting period they supported applied to THEM, too.


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