Friday, November 07, 2008

Paper! Getcher Paper!

And not just any paper. "The best paper of all the papers in the world."

Oprah said it. I believe it. That settles it.

That must mean The Sun-Times has the best "Authorized Journalists," too! Because we all know the merits of straight news should be judged by whether or not your political expectations are fulfilled. Why else have watchdogs of government?

Good grief.

[Via David H]


  1. People hold her inawe, as if she were some kind of authority on everything. She started from humble beginnins as, I believe, a TV reporter, and with luck and hard work built a media empire. So did ... Rush Limbaugh. People can criticize Limbaugh without fear of being beaten up, and I mean physically, with bruises and lacerations. Oprah? She's MRS. Thulsa Doom. The cult will get you.

  2. Oh, another link mentions NPR. Garrison Keillor is another million/billionaire who thinks success makes him a political pundit. He's as full of mindless hate as Snuffy Pflegar. His syndicated columns practically encouraged a violent overthrow of Bush and all republicans because, you know, war is wrong and the planet is more important than profit, especially non-Keillor profit.


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