Friday, November 07, 2008

Takin' it to the Streets

More than a thousand gay-rights activists gathered Thursday afternoon outside the Mormon temple in Westwood to protest the role Mormons played in passing Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California.
Without commenting on that issue directly, I do note that an RKBA rally in that same part of town several years back drew about half that many gun owners, and they weren't all there at once (although the area gun show had no problem drawing 40,000 in one weekend)...and when you consider the percentage of the general population each group represents, well, do the math.

What do you think the chances are of getting 1,000 gun owners to hold a protest outside, say, Snuffy Pfleger's church...?

If "we" don't want it bad enough, if "we" are content to rely entirely on "majority rule democracy" to determine what freedoms will be permitted (say, how's that working out for us lately?), well, let's just say that seems a pretty good way to embolden the gunhaters and usher in that "III" scenario some commentators seem so intent on disparaging...


  1. Amazing how the lefties are all for democracy only so long as people vote the "right" way.

  2. Actually David ; ) We prefer to march on our law makers. We'll let you know when were having our next march on Chicago. Last years July 11th rally :

    But Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (I-GOLD) will be:
    Wednesday, March 11, 2009.
    Heres the web link for last years march on Springfield:

    If your in the area, Stop by and give us a holler!

  3. Can we make it open carry?

  4. All of us... gun owners, gays, whoever... just need to stop asking for government permission to live as we wish as long as we are attacking no one. Embrace your outlawry.

  5. I commented on this the other day.

    It's funny how democracy works, isn't it. They were playing with fire and they got burnt.

    As a general rule I don't give two shits what they do, but on principle I am somewhat forced to care. These are the people who redefine terms, twist them and fight us on meanings. The left that is, not gays. They expect us to make something that is considered to be a perversion normal, while on their high horse about guns...where they constantly exclaim they are a penis substitute. They want "well regulated" to mean layer after layer of government control when that, like marriage, was not something the state was to handle. Marriage has ALWAYS meant man+woman, just as well regulated was disciplined and well working.

    The big stink is they're losing on their own terms and now they're going to have a tantrum, show just as much intolerance and as usual, refuse to accept the truth.

  6. I argue a similar point alot. Many "conservatives" protest gay marriage and then flip out over 2A issues. Both are the same issue, the governmnet has NO RIGHT to infringe on YOUR life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, as long as you are not infringeing on others.

  7. Yeah see this is where the hypocrisy of the Right Wing drives me fucking nuts.

    Gay Marriage = Perversion
    Is it a delegated power to the Federal Gov't? No. Is it a matter that Gov't should get involved in? FUCK NO.

    Of you don't want Gov't in your (or anyone else's) gun cabinet, you shouldn't want it in your (or anyone else's) bedroom.

    And the religious people who pull this shit drive me up the wall. It's your religion, NOT MINE. Last time I checked there were plenty of people that were having sex outside of marriage, a major nono for every major western religion. We going to ban that too? You try and legislate that kind of behavior and you're asking for trouble.

    Hell I'm ridiculously heterosexual and I say just leave 'em be.

  8. prop 8 was all about the word "marriage" They had all the bennys and wanted the WORD too.

    I'm also pretty ticked about "patriotic" being defined by Biden to mean "beaten wife" when he was talking about being patriotic and paying your taxes.

    Would you have a problem if we started calling you "child_molester" instead of "the_chef"? If words have no meaning then they're interchangeable at any time for any reason. Damn, just look at "trigger" in the damn law and what it cost Akins. Funny how something legal suddenly became ILLEGAL with a simple redefinition of one word.

    You want to solve the problem, get the government OUT of the marriage business. OH, but come the atheists.

  9. So what? Marriage should be a religious issue and not a political one.

    If the Atheists want to get together and sign a contract stating their intentions, let them.

    And no, for the record I think the term marriage has been so abused that there is little reason to hold that "definition" as it is.

    Please get off the the "you're redefining a word" argument. Words have been used, redefined, redefined again as they change in common usage. Sorry but that argument carries very little weight.

  10. IGOLD will be March 11th. Come on over and join us. Plans are afoot and big things are planned.

    Your call on the open carry, but that's a felony here.


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