Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Better Things to Do

"What happens when all these people die out?" asks the president of Darien-based Friends of Animals. "Haven't their children discovered video games and better things to do than mutilate a deer?" [More]
Well, I suppose we could teach them to mutilate Zargonians...

[Via Skip]


  1. Yes, lest we fergit, as they say in Winston County:


  2. Wait a minute. . . are these the same liberals that say our kids are too fat from sitting in front of the TV and Video Games and should get outside and play more. . . Hunting is an Outside activity last I checked. . .
    Folks, please make up your mind. . .

  3. More radicals looking forward to OUR extinction.
    Look, we don't force them to grow their own bean sprouts. We could agitate for laws requiring that no vegetarian products can be SOLD, only produced by the consumer for home use. But no. Funny, how "all these people" are more tolerant than the friends of the animals.
    Deer starving to death in winter because there are too many for the area... it's an ugly sight. Hunters are wildlife managers and conservers.
    Ultimately, their argument is "Now that hunting is illegal, what do you need those guns for?"

  4. Love them animal lovers. Reminds me of how many people are in the tank for the dogs and cats. All I have to do is walk out on my back porch and listen to my five or six neighbors dogs go into a low orbit, because I'm there. They've been there for years, and they still bark like I was from hell. Every now an then the owners feel they have to treat the neighborhood to their dogs' companionship, usually when they're out working in the yard or garage. Then I have to decide whether I'm going to get chewed on or go back inside. Doesn't help, calling the only ones, they love their doggies too. I absolutely hate dogs, and I'm not fond of cats.

  5. Sean,

    I once answered a call from an irate citizen whose little weiner dog had been chewed up by a neighbor’s BIG dog. He wanted the BIG dog’s owner punished for allowing it to hurt his little weiner dog. I made the comment that I had been trying to get the city council to pass a leash law and have all dog owners keep their dogs at home. The man’s response was, “Oh no, dogs should be allowed to run loose.” His un-worded continuance of that statement was, “except of course, for BIG dogs.”

  6. Well there yah go. Introduce a few packs of large feral dogs and the deer problem would be solved. Of course they'd also take the occasional small child, but the PETA people would figure that's a fair trade.
    Die out? Nah, our kids and grandkids are alive and well, and will carry on our traditions, thank you very much. After all they're being raised on a diet of good lean venison.


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