Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We're the Only Ones Snowed In Enough

That leaves many drivers, including Seattle police, pretty much on their own until nature does to the snow what the sand can't: melt it.

The city's patrol cars are rear-wheel drive. And even with tire chains, officers are avoiding hills and responding on foot, according to a West Precinct officer. [More]

We all get what that means, right?

That political pustule Greg "Spiderhole" Nickels not only is fighting to illegally disarm people, but his city's policy hampers the "Only Ones" he trusts with guns from responding to violent crime.

How much more absurd and dangerous do things need to get?


  1. Nickels planning to melt down confiscated guns and make them into tire chains?
    Once again, we see politicians breeding the conditions that encourage and allow crime, and blaming US and our guns.
    He hasn't gotten to a right that most of his voters care about ... yet.

  2. Shoot, they won't even use salt on the road because it might get into Puget Sound which just happens to be salt water.

  3. Related story:

    Scroll down to "Please Salt the Pass".


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