Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A More Likely Explanation

In Nassau County, New York, a revised handgun application went into effect in January 2007. A new question asks: “Have you used or still use narcotics, tranquilizers or anti depressant [sic] medication? If YES, record doctor's name, address and phone number, (attach).” If the applicant answers in the affirmative, a list of those medications is also required.

The new question may have been added as a means of increasing public safety, but Nassau County licensees have maintained a nearly spotless record in this area. A more likely explanation is that this could be the next practical step in denying exercise of the Second Amendment.
If it comes from Nassau County, that's the only explanation.

Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne D. Eisen talk about a lethal mix: guns, drugs and government.


  1. What is one more unconstitutional law in the grand scheme of things in NYS.

    Hell, they revoked some guys pistol license because he wanted to speak to his representative, and they cleaned him out of his personal property without "due process".

    Apparently, the Bill of Rights might as well be called the Bill of NOTHING.

    How dare a lowly peon request to speak with an almighty Criminal Protectionist.

  2. They still ask your 'permission' to pull your med records, including any and all visits at any time for any reason with a mental health professional? Of course if you don't grant blanket permission your app goes to the round file under the desk.

    Just wait for the day when ALL med records are stored in the fed dossier, and any physician not sending your stuff up the line is subject to a little re-education time himself.

    Of course we need more disqualifiers re exercise of rights.


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