Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Other Yeshiva Solution

The Israeli Yeshiva Solution

One of the students at the yeshiva, Yitzhak Danon, eventually managed to hit the terrorist. "I climbed on the roof of the study hall with my gun after I heard the sound of gunshots. The firing continued while I lay on the roof with my weapon cocked. Suddenly he came up, and started spraying bullets in the air. I fired two shots at his head, and saw him stagger," Danon said. The terrorist was finally killed by a paratroop officer, a student at the yeshiva who lives close by and came to the scene with his weapon at the sound of gunfire.

The American Yeshiva Solution.

Any questions?

Cryptic Subterranean has more.


Want to browse Vanity Fair magazine on the Denver airport's free Wi-Fi system? Sorry. You'll have to buy it at the newsstand, because DIA's Internet filter blocks Vanity Fair as "provocative."
I wonder if you can access WarOnGuns?

Why people wouldn't want to self-censor most of the trivia mentioned is beyond me, but I guess that's why they're wildly popular and this site is obscure.

Still what gets me most is some of the comments from the informed public along the lines of "Quit complaining--it's free."

Yeah, right. No one had the fruits of their labor plundered to pay for a public airport, so they have no say. The money to pay for it just grew on trees. Public trees.

Everybody wants "free." Nobody wants "freedom," or they do until they realize the two are incompatible.

Yet Another Mass Shooting

North Korea has publicly executed 15 starving people, mostly women, for illegally entering neighbouring China in search of food, an aid group said yesterday.
And "the second [one] this week"!

Maybe North Korea needs more "common sense gun control."


The FBI acknowledged Wednesday it improperly accessed Americans' telephone records, credit reports and Internet traffic in 2006, the fourth straight year of privacy abuses resulting from investigations aimed at tracking terrorists and spies.

So what's the problem here? It's not like they need warrants or anything...

We're the Only Ones Who Don't Need No Stinking Warrants Enough

In a 3-0 ruling, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the police were justified in conducting the warrantless search and seizure in an era of unprecedented domestic carnage at schools, workplaces and shopping malls.

“Police, then, simply must be entitled to take effective preventive action when evidence surfaces of an individual who intends slaughter,” Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III wrote for the panel. “Respecting the rights of individuals has never required running a risk of mass death.”

Define "risk," Jim, I mean, J. Harvie. Because I gotta tell ya, the risk of an activist judiciary subverting the Constitution in general and the Bill of Rights in particular--all in the name of expedience--scares the hell out of me a lot more than some guy who voluntarily calls a hotline and lets everybody know where he is.

If someone is an immediate threat, there's nothing in the law prohibiting an intervention, and nothing to make crime scene evidence inadmissible. But simultaneously with the threat being neutralized, perhaps you could explain why requiring "The Only Ones" to swear out an affidavit and obtain a warrant in accordance with the clear probable cause mandate you are required to abide by (or would be in the Constitutional Republic envisioned by the Framers) is such a burden on the state...? Aside from maybe having to drag some judge's hind end out of bed at 3:00 AM on occasion...?

Originally nominated by Reagan, eh? Considered for SCOTUS by the "Vote Freedom First President" (until you opened your self-important yap to The New York Times)?

And you consider yourself a "Hands-Off Constitution[alist]"? And getting judges like you appointed is the reason we're supposed to be cowed into voting republican?

[Via Mack]

We're the Only Ones Academic Enough

Police departments at Arizona's three universities plan to arm their officers with military-style assault rifles within the next year, officials said Tuesday.
What, "weapon of war bullet hoses designed only to kill as many people as possible"?

That's the solution, have an arms race for "The Only Ones" while the intellectual cud-chewers low to have their horns and hooves trimmed down to stubs?

ASU officers will store the new guns in their patrol cars while on duty, taking them out only when a situation warrants their use, Hardina said.
So will they rush right in where angels fear to tread, or can we expect them to deploy behind trees, cars and buldings until the carnage is over? And let's just hope they're in better running condition than this guy...

Jan Kelly, an ASU faculty member, said she understands why officers have a need for weapons with increased capabilities. She said she feels comfortable with campus officers' access to the rifles.

"I don't think the police are going to target students," Kelly said. "If they (the guns) aren't visible, most won't really know about them.

"Hopefully we'll never know about them."

It's all about Jan's feelings you see. Besides, as we know from experience, college students are never targeted by enforcers with rifles.

And if you can't see it, it can't hurt you, Jan? That's your fall-back position? Is that anything like pulling the covers over your head so the monster in your closet can't get you?

Good grief. This "daft as a hairbrush" intellect reminds me of nothing so much as the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.

Who would let an "insanely idiotically dense creature" like this have any say at all in their personal defensive choices?

[Via ChareltonHest]

A Pass/Fail College Lecture

So, how can you, the college student, as an individual and as a group, change the circumstances of the violence you face on campus and in a bigger sense, citizens face everyday in their daily lives whether it be at the shopping mall or at lunch at Wendy's? You can accept that your protection is your responsibility and then you can choose to be prepared to face potential violence and prepared to stop the violence when it presents itself. In most cases you can do this through constant possession and training with a handgun.
Nate tries to fill some young skulls with something other than mush.

There has been no shortage of anti-RKBA opinions lately in the college press by proto-"Authorized Journalists," speaking with the vast and deep experience and wisdom of freshmen and sophomores, whose minds are made up, who know best, and who are as rigidly and fanatically intolerant as any politburo. I'm afraid for them, this post is "wasted electrons."

But any college student with an open mind and no fear of actually being an independent thinker (as opposed to pretending to be one with their new-found Marxist rhetoric), ought to read this and take it to heart as if their life might depend on it.

Human Rights and Gun Confiscation

Ordinary Kenyans are not even allowed to possess bows and arrows,and the bow laws, too, are applied discriminately. Government security agents can therefore safely assume that every ordinary person with a bow or gun lacks a license, and thus the police can shoot to kill with impunity.
David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen have given us more required reading.

Truly. Some of the examples they cite will shock and enrage you.

I've only had time to scan through this, but plan on reserving an hour later when I can come back and give this the attention I can see it deserves. I suggest if you don't have that hour right now to do the same.

This is important stuff, and it's really not all that hard to envision it happening here if things sufficiently degrade.