Thursday, May 08, 2008

We're the Only Ones Belting One Down Enough

The teenager accused Elmore of beating her with a belt in an argument on Nov. 18. The prosecutor, Forest Worgum, says her bruises were visible for nearly a month.
I agree with Fits. And I don't understand the mindset of some who have commented on "gun boards" about how a good lickin' never hurt them. Good lickin's don't leave bruises for a month.

Sons Uday and Qusay are now 13 and 17, and I can't recall the last time I laid on hands--possibly to separate them when being young animals, meaning being boys, but not to actually smack them with any force. I do recall some bottom-swatting when younger for things like bolting off the sidewalk into a parking lot, but that was an instant reaction/immediate lesson thing. Formalized beatings were never part of the toolkit and were never needed or even considered, and all the normal frustrations aside, I could not ask for two more endearing sons.

I wasn't raised that way either. I remember in High School, I was joking with another kid in Art class and the teacher walked up, backhanded him across the face and tried to do the same to me. I blocked it, looked him in the eye and told him if he wanted to hit me, he would need to call my father first and ask permission. If Dad said it was OK, I'd let him, but otherwise we were going to have a problem. We didn't have a problem.

Back to "Only One" Elmore: I know children can push and frustrate you to the brink of reason. But if he can justify doing this to someone he ostensibly loves, imagine what he would be capable of doing to someone he doesn't. The young woman is old enough for tough love if her behavior is intolerable--meaning she lives by the rules of the house or lives on her own.

"Gun Accidentally Discharges"

...his handgun discharged... accidentally discharged...

...Johnsey's Smith & Wesson semiautomatic handgun went off accidentally...
All by its own self, no doubt. Good grief.

[Via KABA Newslinks]

Announcing "The Warrior Mindset"

"Warrior Mindset" is a class being offered by the North Little Rock Police Department. Taught by Dr. Jason Winkle, It is an opportunity to train with one of the most sought after tactical trainers in the country.
You know, in case you need to shoot up a guy sleeping on his couch or something.

"The Warrior Mindset."

Chilling. The intentions could not be more clear. They are training for war.

So: Who all is for developing a "Militia Mindset"? You realize that question would scare the hell out of most people, who would also outright dismiss it as "wacko." There would even be those on "our side" telling us not to talk about that kind of stuff because "it makes us all look bad."

But "The Warrior Mindset"? Hey, that's OK to mainstream. They're here to protect us. If you're not doing something wrong, what's the big deal? And besides, "Only Ones" with guns don't scare us--just "regular people" do.

[Via cycjec]

UPDATE: Brillianter thinks this is much ado about nothing.

BATFU-Twin* Declares Supremacy Over First Amendment

Weed brewer Vaune Dillmann faces possible sanctions or fines from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau* if he continues to brew and sell beer with bottle caps printed with the label "Try Legal Weed."
Yep, this is what the federal power junkies have nothing better to stone out on, all courtesy of the tone set and authorized by "The Vote Freedom First President."

This is the level of control the Masters strung out on authority abuse insist on. And their message is unmistakeably clear: Obey or be destroyed.

Is it me or is there something in the air today? The absurdist outrages just keep rolling in.

[Via Plug Nickel Times]

* The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, shortened to Tax and Trade Bureau or TTB, is a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury. On January 24, 2003, the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (the Act) split functions of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), into two new organizations with separate functions. First, the Act established The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) under the Department of the Treasury. Second, the Act transferred certain law enforcement functions from Treasury to the Department of Justice. The ATF was transferred to the Justice Department and was renamed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Securing the Blessings in Little Rock

What makes the case especially egregious is not that the police may have gotten the wrong home, that they shot a man, or that they were covering it up or going silent. We’ve seen all that before. What’s mind-blowing about this one is that they’ve continued abusing the poor guy, even after it should have been clear for some time now that they made a mistake.
Because the purpose of our government is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

[Via deadcenter]

The Group W Bench

Mark Robinson was driving through downtown Melissa last week when he was pulled over for failing the use his turn signal.

But instead of getting a ticket, the officer took the 24-year-old to jail.

He was booked, strip searched, and sat for 3 hours with criminals. “People talking about using drugs and shooting heroine. They asked me what I was in there for and I said a turn signal violation,” said Robinson.
Mr. Guthrie, would you handle this one, please?
And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest father raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean 'n' ugly 'n' nasty 'n' horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to me and said, "Kid, whad'ya get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay $50 and pick up the garbage." He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?" And I said, "Littering." And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench.

The parallel is almost perfect.

These authoritarian excesses have the unintended consequences of working in favor of liberty as more citizens are caught up in the net, and as the ridiculously absurd demands for obedience and "respect" result in well-deserved ridicule and contempt instead.

[Via Zachary G]

We're the Only Ones Detecting Enough

The bill ( Intro 650) mandates companies get a permit if they have any equipment, which can detect radioactive, biological or chemical weapons. The bill, which was drafted by the Police Department, has been toned down since its original introduction, which was hotly contested.
Yeah, let "The Only Ones" draft a bill like this and don't be surprised if you have to get a permit for your five senses. Because making it harder to protect yourself is what modern government is all about.

Don't be too hard on the Big Apple Mandarins, though. As we've already seen, they were prompted into this and egged on by minions of "The Vote Freedom First President."

[Via cycjec]

We're the Only Ones Stealing Your Land Enough

A district judge in Boulder, Colo., who earlier awarded a former judge and his wife a substantial portion of a neighbor's nearly million dollar parcel of land, has reviewed the case and concluded he was right.

This is about as corrupt an act of judicial tyranny as I have ever read about. This is the kind of "Only One" in-your-face-no-other-recourse outrage from which acts of rebellion arise.

Squeeze, baby, squeeze.

[Via AvgJoe]


Officials say a bailiff shot and killed a gunman who opened fire in the lobby of a courthouse in St. Petersburg, Fla.
What, you mean the attacker wasn't able to amass a horrific death toll? People didn't need to hide and lock themselves in, praying helplessly and in terror, waiting for rescuers to take position behind cars, buildings and trees?

I wonder what was different about this attack than some of the others we've seen recently...?

I know! Obviously, bailiffs must be superior to ordinary humans.

We're the Only Ones Chubsy-Ubsy* Enough

Rana Parker tells pudgy police they have the right to remain chubby, but it can and will be used against them on the streets of Los Angeles. The dietitian lays down the law for recruits, veterans and top brass, letting them know that eating right can help them do a better job and could even save their lives.
Well, this is revealing:
"For the longest time in law enforcement we trained our people in policing, but we didn't teach our people about how to maintain their mental and physical well-being," he said.
Did he just admit that, until now, authorities have neglected the mental well-being of "The Only Ones" they want carrying guns?

"Oh, Miss Crabtree. There's something lying heavy on my heart."


This Day in History: May 8

The 1st Rhode Island Regiment in the Revolutionary War...

Organized on May 8, 1775 to consist of 8 companies from Kings and Kent Counties.