Wednesday, December 03, 2008

House of Blues

Yesterday, we anticipated the arrival of anti-gun mayors in Cleveland for a public discussion of their plot against Liberty. They did not fail to disappoint.

Nor, we shall see, did our friends in the media.
Here's today's Gun Rights Examiner column.

I was on a conference call yesterday hosted by the CEO. There's been a lot of progress on this start-up venture, which really only began a few months ago, and big plans for investment in growth in 2009.

I cannot over-emphasize, if this column is to be worth the effort, how important it is for friends of this blog who find value here on a regular basis to make a point of visiting my Examiner site and spreading the links to your gun-owner friends. As it stands now, my column is consistently the most popular in both my geographic area and category, but the stats need a lot more growth before any heads are turned.

I hope WoG regulars will realize I'm doing what I can. If you think I suck, I'm not asking you to change your mind. But if you like it here, I could really use some consistent support at spreading the word, or at least clicking on the link and reading the dang thing every weekday.

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike* Paradise...

NYC Bus Driver Stabbed To Death In Front Of Riders...

...the man punched the driver in the head and stabbed him to death while other riders looked on.

Well, what else could they do?

Those buses all have "No Guns" posters.


When Hot Sweet Potato Pies are Outlawed...

...only outlaws will have hot sweet potato pies.

Shouldn't the charge be "domestic fillery"? Wouldn't "battery" be for throwing a cake in her face?


What I am saying is that the pirates were basically laughing at our guys while shooting them out.
Yeah, no kidding.

I contacted Guns and Ammo about my "A Pirate's Life for Me" article from a few years back, but they're not inclined to post it because the state of their archives makes it difficult. Pity. Every time I see a modern-day pirate article I want to link to it.

My editor at GUNS said I could write another one for them, but I already said my piece. Still, this laughing business may be enough to come up with some new ideas.

[Via Paul W Davis]

Blame it on the Dog

Man blames dog for shooting girlfriend
The dog didn't have responsibility to exercise control, moron, you did.

Meet Me in St. Louis

With gunplay wreaking havoc on his ward, Troupe thinks he has found an answer: citizens arming themselves.

The alderman is pleading with constituents to get guns of their own — and learn how to use them.
Aside from the "permit" part, I like it.

[Via Jerry J, Brian F, SameNoKami]

Gray Lady Gloats

In fact, Mr. Obama has long been a supporter of the argument, disputed by this page, that the Second Amendment bestows an individual right to bear arms unrelated to raising a militia.
And The Times wonders why its readership is in the toilet.

Expect to see these "talking points" parroted all over the leftist media. Also expect it to come from the RINO wing of the Republican party, the neoconartists who maintain we just weren't neoconny enough, and we need to steer the ship even further to port side.

McCain lost because he sucks. He wants to end private sales. Sure, some gun owners dutifully fell in the nose-holding line, but that's not enough. Without inspiration, there is no fire in the belly. That reflects on donations, volunteers, enthusiasm and even participation in the process.

And bringing up Elizabeth Dole as proof that the dream is over? The same Liddy Dole with the huge "but", whose husband also betrayed us? What NRA was doing getting into bed with this cow in the first place is a better story.

Still, The Times may be right, and pragmatic politics may not save us. I know some don't think we should make any plans or practice before the Big Game, or even talk about it, but every serious player I know is doing an equipment check and running through playbooks prior to suiting up.

Just in case anybody actually has to go out on the field and get dirty.

I know talking about the insurrectionary intent the Founders envisioned for the Second Amendment makes some uncomfortable, but without it, what good is it?

[Via Michael G]

UPDATE: Vanderboegh weighs in.

OFF H-S Precision

Kevin Starrett of Oregon Firearms Federation recommends:
Since HS has no interest in addressing the outrage of gun owners (who rightfully consider a hired killer to be a poor spokesman for a firearms manufacturer) we think it's time to turn our attention to their business partners. We hope you do too.
Yep--they're still silent.

Guess I'll follow up with a daily reminder (see left sidebar).

Appeal for Information in Fincher Case

Fellow 2nd Amendment advocates:

I am filing a petition for writ of certiorari in the Fincher case pro bono publico. The only hope I think we have of getting the writ granted is a strong showing that the holding of DC v. Heller is being ignored, or, at best, treated with a complete lack of seriousness by the nation's inferior federal courts.

Stewart Rhodes has been capably assisting me on the case, but, I learned tonight, he has run into an unfortunate family emergency which prevents him from doing all the legal research he would like to for Mr. Fincher. This puts me me in a time-crunch, given all the detailed preparation a petition necessarily entails. Hence I reach out to you. If you know or have heard of any cases which might fit my bill, would you please be kind enough to reference them to me?

Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. On my own behalf, and that of Mr. Fincher, many, many thanks for any help you might offer.

Quentin M. Rhoades, Esq.

If you know of any cases that match what Mr. Rhoades is looking for, he can be reached at qmrATmontanalawyerDOTcom.

[Wayne Fincher case reporting at WarOnGuns]

This Day in History: December 3

On December 3, 1775, the flag of the 13 original Colonies is raised for the first time. Navy lieutenant John Paul Jones hoists the Continental Colors, also called the Grand Union Flag, aboard the warship Alfred anchored in the Delaware River.