Saturday, December 13, 2008

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

‘Dress down’ or risk being robbed, police tell women
She asked for it. Look at the way she was dressed.

Yep. It's come to that.

[Via cycjec]

National Press Club Obama Challenge

I know there's no shortage of those who will be quick to jump on this as tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. There will be others just as passionately convinced of the opposite.

I've said before I haven't been convinced, but I do think the evidence deserves to be looked at. My thoughts on it are posted here.

While I laughed out loud during the preacher's prayer, I don't think referring to Obama as "this long-legged macdaddy" is helpful at establishing credibility in a forum like the National Press Club.

But I still may steal that description.

[Via Skip]

UPDATE: I'm continuing to listen to this as I do my work, and must say this reverend gets way off topic and doesn't help. The lawyers who put this news conference together should have stuck to the issue and not gone so far afield--there should be no discussion of black-on-white lust. This character is entertaining, but he comes off like Uncle Ruckus.

The Payoff

In a deal OK'd by the City Council, Minneapolis will pay a family more than $600,000 after a SWAT team wrongly raided its home.
Don't forget the cost of the medals...

[Via Buzz G]

Credit Where Due

"My spouse told me there was a man inside with a gun, saying he was going to kill everybody," said Robinson, an 11-year veteran of the highway patrol who is assigned to the Creek and Muskogee turnpikes.
He's braver than I am, wrestling with the guy instead of just shooting him.

[Via Joe G]

"Just As"?

If they do, they should conclude that the right to keep and bear arms is protected against infringement by the state governments, just as it is protected against the federal government.
In other words, that is, in the words of "Maximum Mike":
The bureau is studying the decision, but expects that it will not affect its continued enforcement of all existing federal firearms laws."
Nobody thinks we won't be screwed on incorporation just like on everything else, do they?

That's not how those corrupted by power operate.

All the polite academic discussions in the world won't change that. In the absence of a credible "stop or else," nothing will. What we're reconciling among ourselves now is whether such a check is likely to be produced through current stacked deck legislative and judicial efforts.

[Via Skip]

This Day in History: December 13

December 13, 1775 at Norfolk, Virginia - On December 13, after the American victory at the Battle of Great Bridge, the Patriot force occupies the town of Norfolk. Conclusion: American Victory