Friday, January 09, 2009

Holder First Squall in an Approaching Storm

We all saw "The Terminator," right?
"He said there's a storm coming in."

"I know."
We see it approaching, and we see an opportunity to set its advance temporarily back while we scramble to prepare for the onslaught. It's now up to you if you will do anything about it, and if so, what. [More]
Today's wrap-up of the Holder series from my Gun Rights Examiner column...

Please share the link with your friends.


  1. the quote from X-men might be more appropriate David, storm indicates a natural occurrence, this comes from the minds of men.

    "There is a war coming. Are you sure you're on the right side?"

    "At least I've chosen a side"

  2. We Browncoats know which side is right.

  3. Off topic - but what was the end result of the HS/Horiuchi/Remington issue?

    Va multimesc mult

  4. Extremely high winds, biting sleet, lashing sheets of rain.

    Yep, the first rainband is heading our way.


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