Friday, January 09, 2009


Federal agents alerted to a large cache of military explosives and other weapons in a Bellevue storage unit have arrested a Spokane man. [More]
I wonder what this is about...?

Anybody know anything about this guy?

[Via TZ]


  1. And the moral for this story is:

    If you have a storage unit containing "illegal" firearms and explosives, "KEEP THE DAMN RENT PAID!"

    I know if I won an auction for an unpaid storage unit with contents as awesome as that, turning it over to the police would be the last thing on my mind. Getting my new treasures home quickly and quietly for further investigation would be more like it :D

  2. Something doesn't add up here.

  3. ... one count of possessing firearms not registered to him.


    Or does that mean automatic weapons without a tax stamp? Since full auto is against the law in WA state, I doubt it.

    The ATF received a call on Nov. 13 from a person who had bought the contents of the storage unit after the renter failed to pay rent.

    Damn. I wish I'd known about *that* auction! :)

  4. Just because toys with a fun switch are unlawful in WA, does not mean someone wouldn't have some in a storage unit.

  5. lol @ "FUN SWITCH" I have had encounters with said beast.... almost got the best of me! Yeah, some folks are in the right place at the right time. :)

  6. kbarrett: I realize that; but I suspect they would have worded the hysteria differently if that were the case...

  7. Being unlawful in WA doesn't affect the _Federal_ charges.

  8. A google search didn't find anything but this incident. He probably never even had a parking ticket. Every terrible implement of the soldier is our birthright. BUT... I think even books that hint at how to make things that go boom are a crime to possess now, at least in some places.
    Some people my age used to whip up some household chemicals and blow up big rocks and stuff down in the woods. I missed all that fun. They called it fun -- and training. This was teenagers, now. Junior high school kids. Sometimes the juvenile delinquents with their slouchy attitudes and ultimate contempt for any authority give me hope. John and Sarah Connor -- "sounds like a model citizen."
    Those demolition-training teens are in their 40s and 50s now. No guns? No problem.

  9. (A different "Anonymous" from the previous commenter.)
    I grew up in a town where the original roads were Indian trails, on the border of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Puritans)and Plymouth Colony(Pilgrims). The town cemetary, which contained graves from the early 1600's, had several old front loading cannon. I had a friend who years ago would annually celebrate the 4th of July by firing blank rounds from these cannon (completely unauthorized, of course) - just like John Adams, one of the writers of the U.S. Constitition, who lived in the next town, described as the appropriate celebration of the 4th. No one ever called the police to complain. My friend is now in a leadership position at the local police department. The cannons still fire annually, with no complaint.
    Remember, folks, the spirit of freedom still lives. Encourage others to keep that spirit alive.

  10. The "previous renter" of the storage unit was probably a snitch.


  11. I've read comments from the forum.

    The basic gist was that the owners of these places REGULARLY pick the locks of the units and rifle through the contents. They have plenty of time to hone their lockpicking skills and know all the tricks.

    The rental agreement's fine print allows this.

    Easy solution?

    Never store anything of serious value or incriminating content in these places!


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