Monday, January 19, 2009

Lightworker Lincoln

The political Left (which includes almost all journalists in America) just can’t make up its mind over whether Barack Obama most resembles Lincoln, FDR, Jesus Christ – or some combination thereof. [More]
Does it matter?

He will save us.

The heirs of Liberty are reduced to worshipping idols?

Any nation so conceived and so dedicated can not long endure

[Via Ron W]


  1. Lincoln, definitely. The "American Lenin" has been reincarnated. But with a little FDR DNA added for that dash of "extra socialism".

  2. I would say that this election cycle was nothing but an orgy of iolatry.

  3. "The political Left (which includes almost all journalists in America) just can’t make up its mind over whether Barack Obama most resembles Lincoln, FDR, Jesus Christ – or some combination thereof."

    So this is where the smell is coming from!

    Shovels, boots (hi-tops), and off to the barnyard we go!

  4. It has pretty well been established that Lincoln was a lying SOB who didn't really give a damn about the black man. His documented solution to the "problem" was to deport all blacks to Africa or to Central America. The idea of preserving the union was a successful propaganda campaign to preserve a strong centralized government. The only soldiers who died at Gettysburg to preserve a nation of, by, and for the people were Confederates.

    FDR was a socialist admired by both Stalin and Hitler (also documented).

    I hesitate to say anything derogatory about Jesus. Because, as the song goes (sorta) "I'm not sure about heaven and I hope there ain't no hell."

    Yeah, it looks like the Obama-mama light bringer may be walking in the footsteps of at least the first two sorry bastards.

  5. Lioncoln was going to keep the Union together at any cost, despite the very clear instructions in the Owners' Manual, the Constitution, about voting with your feet -- seceding from that Union -- if the central government ever got too oppressive.
    IN A SPEECH LAST NIGHT, Obama said America will go on, the America envisioned by the Founders.
    Does that mean he's forsaken gun control of any kind, or is he from a parallel universe where the Revolutionary War was lost because the Americans thought the British were taking their gunpowder and shot to keep them safe from criminals and accidents?

  6. OK, I can't NOT say this.

    What's the difference between a saloon and an elephant fart?
    One's a bar-room and the others a BAAROOOM!

    What's the difference between a place to hang beer mugs and our new president?
    One's a bar-rack...

    ... and the other's a freakin' Socialist.
    See the news tonight? Secret Service countersniper teams practicing. Headshots at 100 yards with a 12-power scope and a bipod. Ooooh. Aaaah. "That was IMPRESSIVE," says the clueless news anchor.

  7. Defender--could you please go to that station or network's website and see if you can find a link to that clip? I'm sure we'd all like to see it...


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