Monday, January 19, 2009

A Note from the SHOT Show

...emailed from an attendee:
The HS-Precision booth at SHOT always had several visitors whenever I walked by. The Horiuchi thing and their "Sorry you got your panties in a twist" non-apology don't seem to have hurt them much.
Some who I respect disagree with me on this, but my feeling has always been the higher-price rifle crowd in general are not as grassroots reactionary. I'm sure there are individuals who carry more than their share of the load, but I'm just sayin' in general...

Maybe I'm not being fair--in truth, I don't see nearly enough load-shouldering from any gun owner segment. I guess it's just a bias I have, that those with more resources have more opportunities to help out than most--a "With great powers come great responsibilities" kind'a thang, except that always had a Marxist "from each according to his abilities" ring to it...


  1. Those with the least give a greater percentage than those w/ the most.

  2. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. (Luke 12:48b)

    It's a principle, it's timeless and true, and its not wrong to hold it.

    Marx just tried to hijack it.

  3. Marx didn't so much hijack it as he attracted it into his van with candy, inappropriately fondled it, took pictures of it, and then dumped it in a ditch on some dark country road. (I started out declaring simply that Marx was perverse, but this way was just so much more colorful. Sorry.)

    In the worker's paradise, the goal is to achieve super-production, and then live in a utopia without want--not because of sacrifice, but because of abundance. What the Marxists are suggesting is that the purpose of God's creation is to slave away satisfying the unlimited materialism of the masses, then cease to exist and have no further use for cheap trinkets. It is amazing that Marx could arrive here after starting with the Judeo-Christian concept of charity.

    Consider the distance between those two philosophies: if you're a Christian, as long as you worship only God and be a generous, honest, caring soul, you get to spend eternity in paradise high-fiving Jesus and hanging out with your friends and relatives. If you're a good Marxist, you get to make food and toilet paper for the masses, until one day you croak. I have to wonder if leftists are so distrustful of an arms because they fear the proletariat may ponder this and turn their weapons on themselves. It is difficult to achieve super-production when the workers' lifeless corpses keep jamming the machine's rollers at the state-owned toilet paper factory.

    I'm not criticizing either of your observations, Messrs. Davis and Codrea; I just can't let my favorite little bearded knödel pass by without roughing him up a little. It's the least I can do for the guy whose philosophy eventually spawned a theory of the omnipotent state, and thanks to a fellow by the name of Benito, it spread like wildfire throughout the Western world, (and is yet to be abandoned.)

    On the original topic: apparently their cliente are the "connected", so they don't care. I hear you can get a special FFL in DC, too, if you know the right people. Those are the real "loopholes" that should worry people.


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