Thursday, January 15, 2009

Something Smells in Clearwater and I Don't Think it's the Fish

"The reason that the fish are not allowed is because it's related to what he is selling," city spokeswoman Joelle Castelli said. [More]
Fish picture control? Really?

These people know no limits in their arrogance, do they?

Feel free to tell Joelle what signs wouldn't be allowed to depict what she's selling...

[Via Ed M]


  1. This county took issue with the color of a man's business's exterior walls. He blocked off about 20 5x5-foot squares and did each differently. Blaze orange on black;, blue and red checkerboard; random splashes like a paintball execution... it was great. Then I believe he and his business, and payroll, and tax revenue, moved to another county. The building is now tastefully beige and white.. and empty.
    Never let them win. Never. Never.

  2. When I had a business, I put up my sign without the "permit".... and they didn't notice. Don't ever ask permission... for anything. You can "apologize", if you must, later.

  3. Who outside this business owner is the victim of this art? No one is a victim whatsoever but for maybe the parasites who see themselves as victims. You see they hide behind "serving the people" but the fact is they try and grab all the loot that they can because they get to keep some of it. Its called raises and bennies.
    The whole being of government today is nothing but a parasite scam on the decent citizens. The main streem media who is all about uncovering this kind of crap is aiding and abetting it.

  4. The scary part is the the last line of the article - "the city's legal department is looking to see what, if anything, it can do about the First Amendment banner."

    1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, whatever... It's a mindset.

  5. I would staple actual fish to the wall and say it was modern art. That would be protected by the First Amendment.
    "Oh, the huge manatee!" (Thats a riff off the announcer's comment about the Hindenberg crash.) Come to think of it, manatees are more protected than humans.
    If they gave me grief I would explain that I found out I was descended from a lost tribe and that's how my people cure fish for storing.
    So now they're anti-business and also ethnically prejudiced.
    Then we'd probably come to the phase where police lean on me, and someone in city hall would have to be dragged acoss their desk and reprimanded severely.
    I'd sell the building to some illegal immigrants who could use it as a front for drug dealing, or a house of prostitution, including S&M, B&D, snuff films and things I haven't even heard of yet; or they'd move 80 of their relatives into the country and live 10 to a room.
    Clearwater would pay someone to paint the mural back exactly as it was.
    I'll say what God is probably saying about the state of humanity. "Don't make me come down there."


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