Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The Coming Assault Barbie Ban

The Barbie Ban Bill, proposed by Democratic Delegate Jeff Eldridge (D) Lincoln County, says such toys influence girls to place too much importance on physical beauty, at the expense of their intellectual and emotional development. [More]
Good grief.

Here's the bill.

Here's the idiot.

Do you think it's nature or nurture?


  1. This much stupidity cannot be natural. He had to work at it.

    Notice that he was born in "Xeino, Ohio". Is there really such a town, or did someone misspell "Xenia"?

  2. Xenia would be my guess, Crotalus.

    You know, I've met plenty of smart people in West By God and I generally like the place, so how this keeps happening is a head-scratcher. I recall, close on 30 years ago, that A. James Manchin, then Secretary of State (and uncle of the current guber), wanted to ban Garbage Pail Kids.

  3. What toys would be acceptable? Dress-up costumes of the "1984" Junior Anti-Sex League and the Thought Police?
    "The little beggars turned in their aunt. Heard her say something bad about Big Brother. It's the toy ear trumpets the Junior Spies hand out; let 'em hear much better through the keyhole. Not as good as the real ones, but it's the thought that matters, eh?"

    Ever heard of Zany Brainy? A pacifist politically correct toy store with only "educational" and "green" toys. No toy guns or weapons of any kind.
    They went bankrupt.

  4. In 1974, a tornadoe ripped through Xenia, Ohio, and this mindless aberration was about 7 yrs. old. Perhaps something fell on his head, like a Barbie Doll, and he's been looking for comeuppance ever since.

  5. no need for this man to take "male enhancement" drugs, he would only grow taller. And there are already too many of him in the world.

  6. Something "eerie" in Pennsylvania:
    Lawrence County: 11-year-old Jordan Brown was charged as an adult Feb. 21 in the shooting death of Kenzie Houk, who was 8 months pregnant. The weapon was a PINK-stocked youth model .22 bolt-action rifle. Probably for appeal for girls, eh?
    A Barbie rifle.
    Lawrence County is in the extreme west of the state, closer to Youngstown, Ohio, than anywhere else. The heartland.
    If Beaver Cleaver killed the babysitter with a girl-gun, what would the Bradyites say? It's no longer a CITY issue? One size of gun control needs to be made to fit all?

  7. I don't think it's either one. The problem is too much money floating around at all levels of government.

    For example: no one seems to be asking the question why our nation's infrastructure is in such disrepair that Obama needed to sign a bill to fix it. I'm sorry, was there previously not enough money at the federal level to do this?

    It's all about the money. Delegate Eldridge can get away with this because there is such an excess of state government labor that he has time to consider something as trivial as Barbie. He's telling his constituents that he's not busy enough performing the fundamental government duties, as outlined in the state's constitution. That's about as clear a signal as any that it's time to cut deep into state spending.

    It's "nature" inasmuch as habit is indistinguishable.

    The Restoration Movement: Taking the 'Vice' out of Public Service.

  8. "Critics say the doll promotes ... an unnatural body image."

    Yeah, and so do teddy bears. In the words of another unnatural body shape, "What a Maroon!!"


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