Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Will Obama Take Away Your Gun?

Not bloody likely. [More]

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


  1. ... rapid fire semi automatics ...

    Every time I see this, I want to hit someone with a dictionary.

  2. "the senator supports Second Amendment rights. But she also believes that local governments have the right to put legitimate limits on firearms"

    So, she also believes that black is white? And lies are the ultimate truth? Which is it? You can't have it both ways since they are mutually exclusive beliefs.

  3. "Helmke’s group is urging the Obama administration to overturn a rule imposed in the last days of the Bush administration allowing people to carry concealed, loaded weapons in most national parks."

    Good news for all of us who want to carry concealed, unloaded weapons in national parks.

    Good grief.

  4. So, does the Junior Senator from New York have a "right" to draw breath? Shouldn't ALL rights be subject to SOME "reasonable restrictions"?

    Sensible restrictions could be imposed by Big Daddy...uh...ummmm...I mean, the government.



  5. A nice piece of disinformation. "No one will stick their neck out to suggest reasonable gun control." "The slippery slope leads nowhere."
    Articles linked TODAY on THIS SITE prove that liars continue to lie. Murderers lie even more easily.

  6. Lawrence County Pa.: 11-year-old Jordan Brown was charged as an adult Feb. 21 in the shooting death of Kenzie Marie Houk, who was 8 months pregnant. The weapon was a PINK-stocked youth model .22 bolt-action rifle.

  7. Small-town white freckle-faced Beaver Cleaver-looking boy.

  8. Disinformation, exactly.

    Nothing to fear, go back to sleep, don't stock up on guns, ammo , and bandaids. SLEEP, sleep, sleee...

  9. When I do sleep, it's with a gun -s-.

  10. [quote]
    For the time being, any gun-related legislation will be incremental. Helmke’s group is urging the Obama administration to overturn a rule imposed in the last days of the Bush administration allowing people to carry concealed, loaded weapons in most national parks.

    Yep, "incremental." Boil that frog more slowly, you stupid bastards! Some of them actually started to notice the heat!


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