Saturday, March 28, 2009

See Eric Holder Lie

I, Eric Holder, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States...[More]
Good one!

But you're a little late, Wayne LaPierre. You not only stood by while the enemy gained a beachhead, you made it known our "allies" could usher him in with no repercussions.

And still with the "enforce existing laws on the books."

So it is the official position of the NRA that "gun control" is an effective crime-fighting strategy? That seems a hell of a concession to just hand to the Bradys...


  1. My putatively republican senators, Cornyn and Hutchison, did nothing to stop Holder other than to vote against the confirmation. Neither had the brass to put a hold on the nomination.

    Now BHO has eliminated each from the nominations and screening processes for us attorneys and federal judges for the Texas districts.

    But the republican party of Texas ballyhoos that 'our senators will not take this sitting down, they have pledged to hold up liberal BHO appointees'. Horse pucky, these two sat it out when it might have made a difference and now burned, pretend to feel their oats.

    As noted before, we have no allies in the CONgress.

  2. Taxation without representation. Sounds familiar.

  3. Holder,"I will support and defend the Constitution, but the Constitution means anything that I say it menas."


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