Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, This Should End Well

Hezbollah uses Mexican drug routes into U.S. [More]
Gee. Maybe as a solution, the government that is allowing this can clamp down on even more of our liberties.

Just throwing this out there: Beslan-style attack. In a "gun-free zone". With "assault weapons."

It's not like it hasn't happened before.


  1. Soon the closet will be empty of boogeymen. Our leaders will have them all on stage even as they tell us that disarmed helplessness is the best defense, and if you disagree YOU are a terrorist.
    Once again, our government's War on Drugs is an anvil upon which our enemies can hammer us. Islamofascists use Afghan opium and the laws against it to make million$ in Europe. If it were not contraband, there would be little profit from it.
    In his latest Town Hall meeting -- by Internet video, leaving un-"green" Air Force One in the hangar -- Obama answered that no, marijuana legalization is not in the foreseeable future. The same night on TV, it wa reported that alleged child-murderer Casey Anthony's consumption of pot increased after her child Caylee went missing. Celebrating La Bella Vida -- The Beautiful Life.

  2. There's a definitive link between the War On Drugs and the War On Guns. Both wars are essentially about allowing reasonable people to do what they want. As one war is waged, it's easy to wage the other. I've considered starting a blog on it, but I haven't had the time.

    It's funny, there's been an acknowledged link between Muslim Extremists and South American drug dealers, just ask Celerino Castillo, he'll tell you the link is the CIA:

    The real solution to ending the violence in Mexico is to end prohibition here in the states. We all know that these Mexican Cartels will find guns somewhere else, so if you want to protect your gun rights, START FIGHTING TO END THE DRUG WAR.

  3. Look around online for "The Perfect
    Day" scenario. The police can't help you. Nor anyone else. We've needed to be in training for this
    for rather more than 7 1/2

    The real third rail here is USA
    "minority" recruitment by the
    enemy here.

    That might give some PTB a colorable reason to start
    disarmament searchs (leaving
    everyone else pitiably at risk)

    Isn't any legal way to take
    measures in many urban areas now.
    Sat sapienti.

    Oh. An analogy. THE PTB, faced
    with hostiles unleashing rabid
    dogs in one block in Brooklyn
    might see fit to shoot service
    dogs in the Bronx and house poodles in Manhattan.


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