Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Temperature Control: For the Children

Warm day brings outburst of violence [More]
Some people are so far gone they can't be trusted with a sunny day.

Sounds like as good an excuse to disarm you and me as any.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.


  1. LOL! It's global warming.

    Oh no! We must go green! It's for the children's sake! LMAO!!

  2. Such nonsense. When I was in school, there was NO AC. Heat in winter yes!

    Methinks this has to do with how many kids are nowtrianed, uh processed, uh raised.

  3. Just thought about summer on the streets. Yep, it brings more violence. Same reason as my above note.

  4. So, if global warming is ended and guns are all melted down, we'll all be riding unicorns and eating rainbow stew, right? (or would we be riding rainbows and eating unicorn stew?)


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