Friday, March 06, 2009

We're the Only Ones Strictly Enforcing Enough

MARTA police will strictly enforce all provisions of the law, the transit agency said. [More]
Even if it means enforcing non-existing laws for which they have no legal authority. And violating existing laws to do it.

Say, can I ignore real laws and make up my own and strictly enforce them too? Or is that the sole province of the "Only Ones"?



  1. Let's wait and see what the dollar amount is in the settlement with the current litigant, it might be worth a trip to GA for the extra cash Marta seems intent upon giving away.

  2. who are all these MARTAs and BARTs that keep demanding tribute and sacrifice of the people?

    some kind of new metropolitan false gods?

    are we supposed to comb our hair and wear turtlenecks in their temples?

  3. Another uniform I wouldn't want to be wearing, soon.
    Hey, Jody Weis of Chicago PD says we don't need to know which of his cops get repeat complaints by the public. In that case, assume it's any one you see. They insist we play it that way. Works for me.

  4. I call it "Trickle down arrogance".

    The sh*theels at the top of the pile are arrogant SOBs who make up laws, regulations, and what they consider a proper work ethic as they go, and nobody had better question them. What can we expect from the minions who work for them? This seems to be the case from the president of the U.S. all the way down to chief dogcatcher of Podunk Township, Arkansas.

    I, for one, am getting ... No, by God! I'm already sick of pompous a**holes who have the idea that I must obey them just because they say so.


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