Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Why Doesn't He Change His Name to Orwell?

"Freeman" truly is Orwellian for this creature. How nice to see our new National Intelligence Council chair deem the ChiComs too restrained over Tienanmen Square, and applaud the routing of the Bonus March vets.

Freedom is slavery. [More]

[Via Michael Dukes]

Oh look. No wonder he's so supportive of order in Beijing.


  1. But yet liberal causes such as the "Million Man" March are OK to parade through the Washington National Mall.
    Prime example of liberal double-think and double-speak. Obama is the finest example of double-speak I've seen yet. He'll espouse his passion for an issue, and then turn right around and do the opposite. And the lamestream media puppydogs never even mention it.
    How stupid do they think we are?

  2. Truly, drjim--by "Freeman's" logic, the cops should have opened fire on Snuffy Pfleger & Mob...


  3. Obama hopes to enlist the Russians to rein in their important allies and customers, nuclear Iran. In exchange, Russia gets something: the missile shield system the U.S. was going to sell Europe gets canceled. And Hillary says a Palestinian state is practically a done deal.
    Makes us look weak, gets cozy with our authoritarian "former" enemies, bares the throat and underbelly of those resurgent enemies' past and would-be future victims and subjects (our allies), and rewards terrorism, all at once.

  4. "restore "domestic tranquility." "
    Means "kill upstart peasants until the rest quiet down."

    Wow, just in time for the Million Gun Owner March on DC.
    A "precipitating event," if they haven't orchestrated one before then.

  5. Freeman is a perfect argument for retroactive abortion.

  6. Hee hee.

    Just read that a U.S. Senate committee is talking to banking honchos about the "problem" of Americans evading their unconstitutional taxes by deposits in offshore banks. You know, the money they could be using to buy shiny new jackboots.
    There's only gonna be more offshoring as Obama socks it to the wealthiest (and most productive). Maybe the people will follow their money and live in de islaands, mon. The Caymans are the banking center of the Caribbean. Practically NO taxes, but when lines need to be painted on the highway -- the ONLY highway -- it's a guy with a bucket and a brush doing it.
    Maybe the IRS, the Secretary of the Treasury and ATF will collaborate on the "solution." We, of course, could come up with the solution TO the solution.

  7. Soon, just like in every other totalitarian regime - if you speak up, you'll be rubbed out...This is the legacy of the student revolt in China and soon to be our reality. The thugs in charge have learned to never allow any "demonstrations" to get critical mass - they wipe out the leaders before any real organization takes place, or they simply use propaganda and lies to discredit the entire movement.

    I don't see a peaceful exit to the path we are on - dissenters will either stand up together, or be rounded up one at a time...

  8. As in my hero Ben Franklin's reply to Hancock:
    Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

  9. Indeed, but don't hang around too closely. Cells of three... at the most.

    The key is not organization, but ACTION.


  10. "Cells of three" = conspiracy charges that may bring harder time than doin' the crime.


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