Thursday, April 09, 2009

Give Me Your Huddled Masses, Yearning to Vote Democrat

"[C]omprehensive immigration legislation, including a plan to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, would be a priority in his first year in office." [More]
I see a lot of comments on "conservative" Internet sites complaining bitterly about this.

Sorry, but what did we expect Obama to do with the windfall handed him? That's like blaming a snake for biting.

Thank John McCain, George Bush, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the neo-con "leaders" of the Stupid Party for handing the socialists a democrat majority on a silver platter.

The GOP had eight years in the White House and a majority in both house of Congress to fix this and they betrayed every member of their core constituency by not doing so--and by pushing their own brand of amnesty. As if that would have made the socialists stop hating them.

This is the result of We the People settling for what is presented as "pragmatism" instead of insisting on principle. If we had made a practice of routinely throwing RINOs under the bus instead of supporting them because "otherwise a democrat would win," the lesson would have been learned after a couple sacrifices--and even (especially) those with malleable "principles" would toe the line out of sheer survival instinct.

As pal Steiger observes, "We've been conned. Bare-ass naked in the town square conned."


  1. The trouble with America, is that it's full of Americans. Well, if we can't get them out, we'll breed them out.

  2. Glad to see you are blaming the right crowd, now...
    And by the way you do not have a corner on the "love my country' market. I hope you get what you deserve...oh wait you did!

  3. Uh, yeah, if you're a "progressive" we do have the market cornered.

    And the chapter hasn't been written yet on who is going to get what they deserve.

    Keep pushing.

  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but if we replace the RINOs in the primaries with solid conservatives/constitutionalists we would not be allowing a democrat to win.

  5. Both parties want to be the party of latino voters. So, neither cares what constituents think when they can grow their constituency by millions. That's what this is about.

  6. straightarrow4/09/2009 5:20 PM

    I do not give a damn what a latino thinks, nor a black man, nor a red man, nor a yellow man, nor a white man. If those modifiers are how you identify yourselves I not only don't give a damn what you think, I don't give a damn for you.

    I only have room in by concern cart for Americans in matters that concern America. While I may respect a man of other origin or bent, I will not if he must hyphenate himself to validate his existence as part of a "movement" or "group". If his being a man and self-reliant isn't enough validation for himself, it certainly isn't enough for me as regards him.

    The only people I respect less are those who pander to him.

    Someone wants to be American, welcome. Someone wants to be here,but remain loyal somewhere else, go the fuck home.

  7. Anon, you wouldn't recognize sarcasm if it walked up and slapped you in the face. Come to think of it, you're blind to almost everything, except your own ignorance. On display now, by commissars holding sandwich boards, everywhere. Want to see something really scary?

  8. Boston T Party has a list of recommended constitutional amendments in his excellent book Hologram of Liberty.

    Here's one that I wholly agree with: every ballot should have a "Reject" option. If the Reject option gets the most votes, the law should require a do-over with a fresh slate of candidates.

    Too bad we'll never see such common sense legislation - this side of option .308!


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