Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Two Americas

Just 53% Say Capitalism Better Than Socialism [More]
We'll be able to vote our way out of this, right?


  1. 100% of people polled have never seen real capitalism, as they have lived the entirety of their lives working within varying degrees of state-controlled markets.

  2. The problem with those who want more socialism is the inevitable push to mandate their desires on the rest of us who don't want anything from them except to be left alone.

    Capitalists (and usually tax paying wage earners) not only have to accept what they (the entitlement minded socialists) want for themselves and society, we are forced to participate. It doesn't matter what the subject happens to be, we're legally required to go along with the program.

    So, the end result of this tactic is the average wage earner supports and finances initiatives he or she believes to be immoral, unconstitutional, and fundamentally wrong. It grates on the conscience as well as the nerves from the beginning, but, as tolerant Americans, we allow ourselves to be pushed back just a bit thinking, "Well, they'll be satisfied with that and leave us alone..."

    But, when we ask the entitlement minded socialists why we're footing the bill and not reaping the benefits of our labor, we're given an answer from the socialists. Simply put: "Tough shit".

    And we continue to be pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed.

    Well, the time has come that it's apparent that all that pushing is starting to take its toll. Joe and Jane 'average' American is starting to not only get a little tired of being pushed, they're starting to say things like, "If you don't stop pushing me and leave me the hell alone, I'm going to kick your ass!"

    Natural response, I'd say.

    Will they listen?


  3. Get your kids out of their schools. If you have to shovle horse shit as a second job and on weekends drive a vac truck to suck shit out of out houses, do it! Do whatever it takes to home school or send them to private school. The rewards will be huge down the road for everyone.

  4. At first glance, it would seem the creep toward socialism is directly correlated to newer generations being more in favor. I am not sure it is as simple as that. When I was younger, I believed everything the public school system crammed down my throat. As I grew up and experienced how the real world works, I became a much different person.
    I am sure there is a gain in the popularity of socialism amongst younger people, it couldn't be otherwise, with the left controlling the public school system. However, I've seen a lot of young people go through the same harsh awakening I experienced. I think a lot of the current swing into socialism is due to the sheer number of ex hippies in positions of power. If we can push back long enough to weather their policies, I think we have a decent chance of seeing the pendulum swing the other way.
    For every sheeplike friend of Che I meet, I meet one or two punks or straight edgers who reject socialism in all of its forms.
    I think April 15th may put the ball back in our corner.

  5. what good is asking the typical american what they think of those two words?

    they can't even connect them to actual events in our recent history, let alone debate the theory.

  6. The whole poll is flawed. As an Anarchist, I know capitalism AND socialism are both equally flawed and evil. They are two sides of the same coin.

    Capitalism has never been, nor was ever intended to be, a free market. It's like asking whether you like democracy or dictatorship better. I doesn't matter, it's the same thing. Questions like these are designed to distract you from what really matters...

  7. straightarrow4/09/2009 5:11 PM

    Polling Americans on any subject deeper than entertainment, sports, or fashion is very much akin to asking your pet dog to give a dissertation on Dialectical Materialism. Except the dog will have a better understanding of the subject.

  8. Capitalism and Socialism are two sides of the same coin,ya? By the way Kurt, I didn't hear your alternative.It's because you don't have one. One that works, anyway. And Capitalism does work, but as a freeloading anarchist, you already knew that. I'm sure we'll all be hot and waiting with baited breath to hear your solution, but remember, the grown-ups have jobs to go to, and lives to build. All YOU have is your scarf to hide your face, and your animosity towards people owning the fruit of their labor. How many anarchists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I'd tell you, but they burned down the building, and are trying to evade a lynch mob.

  9. I hope more that 53 percent read the full article.

    "The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 20% disagree and say socialism is better. Twenty-seven percent (27%) are not sure which is better."

    That's one in five that love their bearded German pseudo-philosophers. Then there are 27 percent who are just plain honest about their lack of knowledge on the subject.

    WV = "dritic"; Fair-skinned Albanian.

  10. The best assessment / solution >>> AvgJoe

  11. If you are getting a free ride at somebody elses expense, of COURSE you will be in favor of it...if you have to carry your weight AND the dead weight of the freeloader, guess which system you prefer? Now, if there are TWO freeloaders and only ONE person carrying them, and they all get to vote, guess who loses?

    That is why DEMOCRACY is EVIL and a REPUBLIC is where the freeloaders have to either get off their lazy asses and work, or they starve.

  12. "Capitalism and Socialism are two sides of the same coin,ya? By the way Kurt, I didn't hear your alternative.It's because you don't have one."

    of course. why would you have any such plan for someone else? that's not very nice. it's their life and liberty, remember? i am suspicious of your motives and agenda, at that.

    the "capitalism" kurt is referring to is state capitalism, distinct from free-market capitalism, which arguably this country has not seen at all since the early 1780s (others like to say 1863, still others, 1913).

    now, just because something is good for you doesn't mean you should bring it about on anyone else by force and/or fraud. yet, this is what state capitalism is, in a nutshell.

    over time, all the ISMs are going to boil down into socialism, no matter what they are called. this is just the nature of human emotion. people simply must feel good about themselves and the things they believe are a part of them. our government-run society will not be able to stay coherent with the ethics laid out in the declaration of independence that it no longer subscribes to. we know well that no lesser government, society or document elsewhere in the world will ever have a chance of faring any better.

    of course, the anarchists will also feel pretty good about themselves, but for different reasons, none such having any identity enmeshed with the concept of government as we currently know it.

    if you want to pick a side, this is it: complete and total liberty, or none whatsoever.

    it does not much matter what you call it.

    and billy beck will tell us why:
    It's naturally an important consideration that the poll did not identify ("did not define") capitalism or socialism. It is, however, more important to me that there may actually be no way to abstract and convey to the rising demographic the necessarily reality-referential concepts denoted by those words.

    and so did i just a few posts ago:

    "what good is asking the typical american what they think of those two words?

    they can't even connect them to actual events in our recent history, let alone debate the theory.

    stay sharp.

  13. It may well be the word "capitalism"is ruined, like so many other words, and now we have to tack on "state" or "free market" so people know what we are talking about. BTW "state capitalism" is just plain old fascism.

    This poll is yet another argument for secession. People who like free market capitalism can live with it, people who like fascism or socialism can live with them. See who ends upbetter off...

  14. There's already a word for "state capitalism": corporatism.

  15. The freeloaders don't want secession, that would mean they wouldn't have anyone to LEACH off of. Socialists are PARASITES and they need a HOST to feed off of - they will not leave the host until its lifeblood has been sucked dry. Secession will not happen because no matter how much we want to be left alone these socialists simply cannot exist without us and won't let us go. We don't need them, but they sure need us.

    Either we productive citizens accept this or we throw off the yoke of tyranny and force these parasites to go somewhere else - or get a real job.


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