Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Win Friends and Influence People

Become a judge or prosecutor...[More]

Gosh, I wonder why this is happening?

Of course, I also wonder how they define "harassing communications"?

But when the U.S. Marshal's Service gets involved, nothing surprises me.

I see Vanderboegh has more.


  1. "Worried federal officials blame disgruntled defendants whose anger is fueled by the Internet;"

    apparently they define it by resorting to "shoot the messenger" doctrine. you can expect this to catch on in various government circles; increased security "details."

    "I live with a constant heightened sense of awareness," said John Adams, a federal judge in Ohio

    you mean condition yellow? aw. poor baby. i didn't realize federal judges were the only ones entitled to the expectation of untouchability without one shred of an iota of preparedness.

  2. So, what? They're upset about being held accountable for their actions? Perhaps judges and prosecutors ought to be more concerned with justice and less concerned with conviction rates.


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