Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Setting the Stage

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to completely eliminate the state’s welfare program for families, medical insurance for low-income children and Cal Grants cash assistance to college and university students. [More]
Arnhole may just be there for Judgment Day.

[Via Chris Horton]


  1. we can only hope - Eliminating subsidies for the non productive is way past due.

    PS - Saw the new Terminator III this weekend - The Arnold character CLEARLY HAS NO BALLS - In light of his performance as the governator this cameo is the proof of the pudding.

    Fight islam Now

  2. The elimination of the government dole is a fantastic idea, although I'm sure it would help if the otters' funding got cut to zero before the humans'.

  3. the best part of this won't be the cut, if it goes through.

    the best part will be all the marxist californians forced to admit that it worked without widespread violence and mayhem.

    and by "it" i mean "voluntary cooperation arising from the free market, in the absence of coercive government programs."

    the masses remain good at heart. they just need to be cut loose from the "security blankets."

  4. I hope nobody's holding their breath over this one.

    St Barack the spendy will ride in on his pale horse to save the day somehow.

  5. Don't worry. There are enough state and federal "programs" overlapping to enfold anyone actually "cut" in this deal. It's all done with smoke and mirrors, you understand.

    The one thing that won't ever be cut by any action of government is their power to tax and spend. You can take that to the bank.

  6. It's quite simple; rile up those you compensate for their votes and they will take to the streets to protect you,and get the money train running again, most honored poofdah of pork.

  7. You know, if this is the kind of threat you think you have to make, you might consider the kind of people you're threatening...


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