Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ann Omdahl's Big "But" is Downright Scary

While waiting for my son to come out of oral surgery yesterday, I was looking through the May 4, 2009 issue of Newsweek. I found this on page 16, Letters, "Back Talk," in reference to a previous article titled "Obama Gets Gun Shy" [More]:

Heavens! How many guns and ammunition will help chest thumpers feel safe? My family hunts and feels no need for assault weapons. People with all those guns do not make me feel safe! They are downright scary.

Ann Omdahl, East Grand Forks, MINN
How many times have we seen "I'm a gun owner/hunter BUT..." as the preface to advocating citizen disarmament? Just another example of antis trying to claim the reasonability high ground via a deceptive playbook talking point.


  1. The purpose of the unorganized militia and its combat-effective weapons is not to make people FEEL safe, but to actually make sure they ARE safe. Anyone who doesn't understand has chosen his/her chains. They don't get to decide for the rest of us. Their elected officials don't, either.

  2. The trouble is, the elected officials ARE deciding for the rest of us, whether we like it or not. They're forcing us into a choice: abject slavery, or a new American Revolution.

  3. Answer: This "chest thumpers",( I only do it so I can belch really loud) idea of how many guns and how much ammo will make me feel safe is..... how much ya got? I'm a gun owner, and I don't think my neighbors and relatives and friends own enough rifles and pistols and ammo, and I don't feel safe with them being unarmed that way. They're downright scary. But what the hell, when the shit hits the fan, they can mingle with all the other idiots and starve and die of thirst.

  4. i'd say the answer to that is we see it as often as someone who has never touched a gun before goes and posts it on the internet to make hunters look even more fudd-ish than some already are.

    tranzis cannot get their way without first dividing gun owners against themselves. they give themselves away, though.

    "My family hunts and feels no need for assault weapons."

    your family hunts? as a pack? and they all feel as one? no.

    no they don't. a family does not share one brain and one emotional center.

    "People with all those guns do not make me feel safe!"

    so... out with the police and military, then?


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