Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Got Your Name Right Here

This past week the newspaper was served with a grand jury subpoena from the U.S. attorney's office demanding that we turn over all records pertaining to those postings, including "full name, date of birth, physical address, gender, ZIP code, password prompts, security questions, telephone numbers and other identifiers ... the IP address," et (kitchen sink) cetera. [More]
Under the circumstances, I did the only thing I could.

I went to the column in question and left this comment:
Now that I know the Fed Gestapo have subpoenaed records to identify commenters, please add my name to their list.

My hope is we can restore the Republic and one day give them, personally, and those who issued their orders the opportunity to see if the Nuremberg defense works.

What kind of Nazi weasels are these g-men?
Just tell me who to send the Bite-Me-Gram to...

[Via Plug Nickel Times]


  1. Did you ever see that Simpson's episode where Homer is so apathetic that he tells the kids to go upstairs and punish themselves? When the new electronic discovery federal diktat came down the pipeline a few years back, this is what came to mind.

    Is this the new standard in justice? "Bring us all the evidence so we don't have do an investigation."

  2. Another popular freedom and gun rights website began requiring registration this week to post comments after newslinks. Participation has dropped from 15 to 30 comments per article to... one to three, often zero. They promise utmost privacy of your data, but of course have to cooperate with law enforcement when some bureacrat feels threatened by freedom talk. The Revolutionary patriot "Publius" wouldn't have pamphleteered long if he had had to use his real name and address. I guess there were some irresponsible people or agents provocateurs making everyone look terroristic, and it doesn't take much, as we have seen,

  3. I can't help wondering if this has anything to do with the word coming out that the government is going to have deep cuts in social security and medicar. Along with big tax hikes. Being the government wants to make life hard for the very first of the people who would speak out against the fed and IRS.
    Personally this sounds like panic taking control which is not a good thing because people in a panic do some very stupid things. Like destroy lives for no good reasons.

  4. I was going to post a comment on this but I am trying to be nice for a change toward our task masters in government. For a day or two at least.

  5. My post didn't display - There's probably something offensive about it. Hate to waste the thoughts - so, here goes...

    I have been carrying a Sacagawea so-called "gold dollar" given to me by my son in 2000. I've kept it merely because my son gave it to me. Is it as worthless as the paper money the fed has been foisting upon us, or does it actually have a value? My guess is that the federal government will say that the coin has the same value as a paper $1.00 fed reserve note for the simple reason that the value is printed right there on the face of the virtually worthless metal coin.

    A copper washer about the same size of a penny costs in the neighborhood of $.30. When the feds are willing to send me thirty pennies for every copper penny, with a hole in the middle, I send them I might think about buying into Greg Damm's cockamamie theories as to actual cash value of US currency.

    The Nazis killed approximately 6 million people and, at the time, it was a perfectly legal operation simply because the government said it was. Sad thing was, many of those thugs were felling totally justified all the way up until their necks snapped when they hit the end of a short rope.

    By all means, add me to the list. I will be surprised if I'm not already on it.


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