Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We're the Only Ones Recanting Enough

Zehm died March 20, 2006, two days after he was beaten with a baton, shocked multiple times with a Taser and hogtied...

Police officials initially said Zehm attacked Thompson, but they recanted that claim months later when surveillance video clearly showed Zehm retreating, holding a 2-liter plastic soda bottle in front of his face while Thompson struck him with a baton. [More]
Well then, can they change their story to "no procedures were violated"? And maybe call the bottle a weapon, and cite using it to protect himself as resisting arrest?

At least tell me the "Only One" in question has been suspended --with pay.

[Via Bill H]


  1. Rabid dogs. Now, how do we deal with them? Oh, yeah.....

  2. And the reason the FBI is bring federal charges is because the local police department would not investigate and bring charges on their own initiative. Note the local prosecutor sitting on his hands because he is afraid to point fingers and invoke retribution. The reign of local police being judge, jury and executioner is only inconvenienced, not stopped.

  3. Any action short of immediate face down on floor is charged as 'resisting'; raising the bottle in defense could probably elevate to 'felony resisting'; lesson to sheeple, comply or die and our colleagues will back up our fictional account of your demise.

    Didn't the samurai of old follow the same code with the same authority to summarily kill any who doubted their authority?


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