Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Company I Keep

A Democratic Undergrounder has judged me--by my link list:
...sites that I find it easy to judge by the links they themselves offer...
You know, like:
Armed and Christian
Armed and Safe
Armed Canadian
Armed Females
Confederate Sharpshooter
Conservative Beach Girl
Conservative Scalawag
Family Guardian

Just a few of my favourites.

Oh yes, and "Whose Paranoid".

I dunno. Not mine.
Gosh, and I so wanted his approval.

I know the rest of you probably did, too.


  1. They don't even give each other approval, they just talk everything to death. For the most part, talking to them about anything is beating a dead horse. Approval is a non-sequiter with that gang anyway, since being for or against something is being "judgemental". I just view them as dirty laundry, something no one really enjoys doing, but you have to, if you want the stink to go away.

  2. Consider the source and take it as a compliment.

  3. David, I'm sorry to hear the bad news. Let us know if you need some counseling sessions at the shooting range. I'm sure we'd all be there to support you in your time of need.


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