Tuesday, August 18, 2009

There Is Still Time

"There is still time for Congress and the president to take steps to keep loaded firearms away from the valleys of Yellowstone, the cliffs of Yosemite, and the Statue of Liberty — but they need to act quickly," said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. [More]
Settle down, Paul. Don't get so worked up that things start popping out.

[Via Ed M]


  1. I agree. There is still time for him and his ilk to pull their heads out of their asses, and back the f off. Will they do it? Not bloody likely. Will they regret it? You bet.

  2. I don't know or not whether you can get to the Statue of Liberty other than going through New York City but a friend was carring in the city and put his pistol in a locker at the terminal and the fuzz was on him like white on rice, like shit on a shingle if you get my drift. Arrested and booked but they let him go with a small fine and confiscated his pistol, a small deringer.

  3. tjbbpgob111,
    You can get to it by way of Jersey City,NJ. On a ferry boat.

    The lockers at the Statue have been coded with fingerprint locks a few years ago. Guess where that info probably goes?!?

    It's a data tracking base.



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