Friday, September 11, 2009

We're the Only Ones "Go Speed Racer" Enough

Shreveport City Marshal pays fine for doing 111 in a 60 [More]
I guess the request that he not receive special treatment could be evidence that no "Only One" attitude was exhibited, but then again, they had him dead to rights and on the news--what else could he do?

And forgive me if I don't embrace the official story. His excuse was he was lost? "The smell [of alcohol- was all over him" but he passed the field sobriety test?

Forget it Jake, it's Shreveport...

[Via Matt S]


  1. Couldn't help but notice that he claims not to have used his "position" to fight the ticket. But the second officer who shows up on the scene shook his hand.

    That always happens to non-only ones when they get pulled over for doing 111 in a 60 zone. The officer ALWAYS shakes the hand of the speeder.
    Didn'tcha know?

  2. It's a mutual mastur.... I mean admiration society.


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