Friday, September 11, 2009

We're the Only Ones Painful Enough

“He jumped through my window, and I grabbed my cell phone to call for help,” she said. “When I looked at him, he pepper-sprayed me. He handcuffed my hand and was trying to pull me out of the vehicle. I was in fear for my life, and I didn’t want to get out. He twisted my arm behind my back, and I said ‘You’re hurting me.’ He said ‘That’s what pain is for.’ ” [More]
So naturally, he charges her with "aggravated battery, resisting arrest, violence to a police officer and disturbing the peace."

The good news is, it looks like he won't be an "Only One" any longer.

The bad news is, he didn't just suddenly arrive to the point where he had confidence that he could stalk and assault citizens. That's an attitude that takes reinforcement to develop.

It's hard to believe no one among his handlers or peers ever noticed it.

[Via retrotruckman]


  1. If someone saw this punk attacking a family member and killed the son of a bitch. Would the mayor have come forward with information that this was a violent goon that had a past history of such actions.
    Why is the DV's laws not used against this piece of shit to bar him from ever owning a firearm so he can never go to another department to victimize citizens again.
    As much as I hate the thought of the DV laws that that other piece of shit from NJ came up with. Why not use such laws on the goons that keep the elitist safe. Just a thought.

  2. You know, it's not that there are bad cops that troubles me. Invariably, in a group of people, at least one is going to be a prat, a git, a useless dork, or just an asshole.

    What troubles me is the almost fanatical, 'thin blue line' closing ranks around possible troublemakers. I want to grab some of these cops and shake them, and say 'Guys! GUYS! Your buddy here? The one who just tased the old lady? He's not doing you any favors! Stop protecting him!'

    Nothing -- and I mean nothing -- will grind away respect and cooperation quite like a lack of internal discipline. And then you come to the day where the cops are invariably treated as the enemy, and /nobody/ talks to them. Regardless of who might've seen something or not.

    Then things get really interesting.


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