Monday, November 16, 2009

About that Retraction

A retraction was demanded.

This is it?
[This story has been changed since it was first posted. It originally gave an innacurate description of how Gottlieb "refers to" Lautenberg.]
Wait a damn minute.

These people told the world:
Gottlieb refers to the Jewish Lautenberg as a "Zionist...gun hater."
Where the hell is their complete and specific online retraction--along with their profound apology?

What nasty people.


  1. straightarrow11/16/2009 1:43 PM

    They aren't big enough to apologize. They aren't sorry they did it, but they will retract as a preemption to a libel suit.

    However, their retraction will be and was as morally reprehensible as their original intentional lie.

    One cannot change people like this. They have no good material to work with within themselves. One can only outlive them. Let's hope they don't make it necessary to be proactive about it.

  2. Well, like the article above. It's all fungible now.

    Now that I think about it, that applies to ethics and morals, too.


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