Friday, November 13, 2009

Furious Mike 'n the Imam

"If we were aware of his full background," an aide said, "it would have been done differently." [More]
Let me get this straight--you can't be armed because genius here thinks it's his job to keep us safe.

This reminds me of a The Three Stooges episode, you know, where they're oblivious to a lion or a gorilla or some such following them until they turn around and see it...

I guess my main man Siraj here doesn't have the courage of his convictions. Be great to see Bloomie & Co. running around screaming "Woobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoob..."


Anybody else sick of all the public assculation displays in the wake of the recent "workplace violence"? Meanwhile, we need to keep demonizing these guys...


  1. straightarrow11/13/2009 11:26 AM

    Funny, but I didn't even have to look up the definition of "assculation".

  2. Interesting that Siraj wanted to blow up the United Nations building. Get rid of that offensive sculpture in front, too.

  3. Why don't terrorists attack the UN Building?
    Professional courtesy, like sharks and lawyers.
    I see it this way: Mikey Bloomberg and Osama Obama will cozy up to extremist Muslims until they get caught. Why? Their goals are the same: "Freedom go to hell!"


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