Friday, November 13, 2009

We're the Only Ones Binding Enough

Authorities said 46-year-old Henry L. Hollins is accused of handcuffing a woman at gunpoint June 30 and taking her in his squad car to a warehouse. He then undressed and raped her while she remained shackled...[More]
If true, perhaps this explains why New Orleans "Only Ones" wanted to disarm everybody...

Why do I hear Eliza Doolittle singing "Just you wait, 'enry 'ollins, just you wait..."?

[Via Matt S]


  1. I can hear the defense lawyers arguing that this was not rape but rape-rape. The Goldberg defense of women,for women and by a woman.

  2. I believe that's 'Enry 'Iggins. ;o)

  3. Oh, now I see to whom you refer. Never mind. Carry on.

    Well sonofagun! The word is "coping". That's the first time I've seen an actual word come up for verification.

  4. straightarrow11/13/2009 7:05 PM

    Good thing she was still manacled, else Lynch would have had to kill her for "raising a finger". Wonder if he has any proscriptions against raising penises against citizens.

  5. Bruce Krafft11/13/2009 7:13 PM

    Well at least now we can answer the Bitter Clinger's question about why cops carry guns . . . *ahem* weapons.


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