Friday, November 13, 2009

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

"I thought it was my duty to hand it in and get it off the streets." [More]
No, your first duty is to be a free man and defy tyranny.

Let this be a lesson to all. Those who would condemn you to the Gulag camp for possessing a gun are your enemies, and the enemies of all decent people who would be free.

[Via many of you-- thanks.]


  1. No good deed goes unpunished.

  2. straightarrow11/13/2009 12:46 PM

    I thought it impossible to hold the british in more contempt than I already did, but I was wrong.

  3. Judge Christopher Critchlow said: "This is an unusual case, but in law there is no dispute that Mr Clarke has no defence to this charge.

    "The intention of anybody possessing a firearm is irrelevant."

    of course this is what they think of their own enlisted soldiers, as well: it's irrelevant whether they believe they're defending their country.

    socialism, once given an inch, takes several feet, until its logical conclusion, which is murder for power.

  4. Guess he should have kept it and kept quiet. I'm sure this case will influence many more folks to come out and turn in stuff they find like that.

  5. Did you all notice that the part regarding the comments?

    They're turned off until Monday. It looks like they're hoping that everyone will forget all about this travesty.

  6. Intimate first hand experience with this bureaucracy was a driving cause of the creation of the "Declaration of Independence", the "Constitution" and the "Bill of Rights".

  7. If I lived in GB I might feel compelled to take action over that one.

    Armed Geek

  8. straightarrow11/13/2009 7:03 PM

    I assume Geek, you meant GB as Ghost Britain? It certainly is a ghost of its former self.

  9. anhourofwolves11/13/2009 7:36 PM

    This serf somehow had the crazy notion that he lives in a Western democracy where reason and justice inform the enforcement of Her Majesty's laws.
    He discovered - too late - he lives in an Orwellian, police-state dystopia where power is exercised on the serfs by Marxist apparatchiks for sport.
    He also discovered - the hard way, and again, too late - that he would have been better off breaking the law and stuffing this implement under his bed, than scampering, like a sac-less toady to his jailer, no doubt expecting a pat on the head, and an atta-boy.
    I actually had the need to stifle a laugh when I read this story.
    Perhaps some good will come out of this. Perhaps, this chap will have an awakening during his 5 years - 5 f'in years for picking up and carrying a piece of metal and wood! - and come out radicalized enough to throw off his chains.

  10. I bet 50/50 the same thing could happen here with any rifle with a fun switch. Even if a swat officer left if on your lawn during training.

  11. I find it hard to believe that there was no way they could not charge and convict him. Not so long ago there was a story about a man who found a gun in a bag by a play ground near his house- and a gang nearby demanded he hand it over to them. He refused and called the police. They said they would only go to his house- not wanting the gang to follow him home he walked to the police station a mile or two away. Police said that if he had been stopped en route he could have been charged but in his case he handed the gun over to the desk sergeant and was NOT arrested or prosecuted.

    So someone is reading the law wrong.

    On a side note I cannot believe a jury convicted this man. Such is the state of the many subjects who inhabit once-Great Britain.

    PS- There seems to be a concerted effort on the part of the police and the courts in the UK to actually do their utmost to treat the average law-abiding citizen in the harshest possible terms- and to treat criminals, especially violent criminals, as leniently as possible.


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