Wednesday, September 02, 2009

We're the Only Ones Protecting Enough

A San Antonio police officer accidentally shot and killed a man who was being robbed and beaten this weekend, but authorities said Tuesday the rookie officer likely will would not face charges. [More]
No, of course not. Thus the "Only Ones" files...

As usual, bring a barf bag for some of the comments.

I wonder if District Attorney Susan Reed would "verbally clear" you and me under similar circumstances?

She doesn't exactly make asking her easy.

Probably too busy adding "vampire" to her fascist parasite CV.

[Via John G]

It's a Game

"[S] he views guns as amusement devices that should be regulated to the point that you're only allowed to shoot them at shooting ranges, galleries or gun clubs...

It's like I mean you go to the carnival you know, like the roller coasters - it's fun. But that doesn't mean you get one to come home with. Doesn't mean you get to do your own home roller coaster - just leave it there, it's a game."
What should we call this game, Rachel Maddow?

How about "Risk"?

Because you obviously have no idea what's at stake. Or what happens to the losers.

[Via retrotruckman]

GOP Establishment Targets Rand Paul

From an email:
On September 23rd, twenty three Republican US Senators are holding a $500 per plate fundraiser in Washington DC for Trey Grayson - Rand Paul's opponent. This deck stacking favoritism in a highly contested GOP primary is unacceptable!
Go to the website to learn more. I don't see who the senators are, and that's important information to know.

Here's Rand Paul's stance on guns. It's good, although I wish he'd replace the gun in the banner with something a little less "sporting."

A cursory looking around for Trey Grayson comes up with this:
Judge Sotomayor’s record on the bench clearly demonstrates a long record of judicial activism on the bench. She has consistently held a narrow view of the Second Amendment. Her decisions have contained little reasoning or explanation for her views, and she has twice ruled that the Second Amendment is not a fundamental right.
Who has more information?

There is a way to settle this, you know...

We're the Only Ones "Forgive Us Our Trespasses" Enough

Discipline cases against dozens of San Francisco police officers would be dismissed under an amnesty program proposed by Chief George Gascón...

Those cases, he said, include charges such as use of inappropriate language, being discourteous, failing to properly fill out a police report or a first-time misdemeanor drunken-driving arrest. [More]
What better way to foster a culture that respects citizen rights, discourages the "Us vs Them" mentality, minimizes general barrel spoilage from the few "bad apples," and generally promotes respect for appropriate rules of conduct and the law? That's right, exempt San Francisco "Only Ones" from consequences!

Hey, I wonder if I drive drunk in Frisco if they'll give me amnesty?

I'd ask, but I remember what happened last time I asked "authorities" there if I could also disregard laws I oppose...

[Via Michael]

Kickstand Your Ground

Stand-your-ground defense clears Thonotosassa bicyclist in fatal shooting [More]
Of course, Paul Helmke would rather the bicyclist had been beaten to death...

Hey, it says the perp was 24, an age the gungrabbers consider a "youth."

Maybe the Bradys can salvage some blood-dancing capital and count this as "another child gun death" so it won't be a total loss for them...

[Via John G]

Two Can Play That Game

A Health Care for America Now (HCAN) organizer is caught on tape outside the meeting instructing supporters on how to shout down opponents who get up to ask a question and how to block them from speaking at Rep. Jan Schakowski's town hall meeting. [More]
Just chant a slogan? That will drown out the proceedings and promote a simple message?

I could do that.

[Via Texas Shooter]

Another La Crosse Team Rape?

Received via email:
I have discovered that there was a gun raid in La Crosse last night or early this morning, I have not seen nor heard anything about this in the press. I there anything that you have heard about this?
So far, there's nothing returned from a Google News search. I guess I should go back and ask my correspondent how he "discovered" this.

If anyone has anything to add, please chime in. If it turns out to be a false alarm, I guess that's the price of vigilance.

2 Cops...

...and two different experiences.

Mike H has a lesson in common courtesy. [More]

Bills Don't Allow, People Do

Pandemic bill allows health authorities to enter homes, detain without warrant [More]
And it goes after the First Amendment right to assemble, too.

One point of contention with the article: A bill can't allow that--only the people in the home can. Fortunately for the authorities, it's in Massachusetts, so they probably will.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I wonder what the government and media is not telling us about this swine flu scare. For instance, stories I read seem to assume it will present a uniform risk throughout the land. I see no one really addressing if certain areas and demographics are more at risk than others--probably the inherent political correctness on the part of bureaucrats and "Authorized Journalists," combined with delving into that not fitting into the government's agenda of total control.

I wonder if Barry and Michelle will drag Malia and Sasha out in front of the cameras for a public inoculation just to show everyone how safe they think it is. Of course, that would lend itself to a whole new conspiracy about the vaccine being substituted...

A question for the freedom-minded: Say a really contagious and dangerous beastie is out there, a Black Death kind'a bug. What steps should be taken to prevent people who will not voluntarily segregate themselves from going out into the wider world?

I'd like to see that discussion.

[Via Ron W]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

After telling the police of his intentions in a phone call on August 17, Mr Duckfield said he was arrested more than 100 yards from the intended target such was the swift response of officers. [More]
Wow, they can sure get there fast.

When they want to.

Good thing it was just a frustrated non-violent blind guy instead of a hammer fiend.

Great Anonymous Comment

This was posted under a Ted Kennedy story. I wish I knew who to attribute it to:
Kennedy was an inspiration to drunk entitled slobs everywhere.

Gunning for Jon & Kate Plus 8

But the popularization and cultural preoccupation with trivial people and mere "entertainment," do not bode well for a nation that relies on a well educated and informed electorate to exercise responsible self government. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column rues the dumbing down of our countrymen.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: September 2

The frequent captures you make with your little parties, have a very good effect and ought to be encouraged. [More]