Monday, December 21, 2009

We're the Only Ones Who Know When You've Been Sleeping Enough

Pa. Cop Accused of Indecent Assault: Photos on Dept. Laptop

A Pittston City police officer allegedly indecently assaulted and took 46 explicit photographs of an unconscious woman, the office of Attorney General Tom Corbett said Friday. [More]
The site must be buried by traffic because I can't get the link to work... but I think I've seen enough.

You have to wonder at the deranged and dangerous mentality that would do something like this--and the even more deranged and dangerous "Only Ones" deference that makes such abuses inevitable.

[Via Harvey]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Police expect Mumbai-style terror attack on City of London [More]
Why am I thinking about what succubus Veronica said to Stan and Kyle after she told them she was going to marry Chef...?

[Via cycjec]

No! No! No!

A gun rights group says a citizens initiative to reform legislative ethics would require lawmakers to disclose whether they own guns. [More]
On the surface it sounds kind of like a satisfying poke back, but if you can gore one group's ox using the force of the state, yours is next.

I really don't know anything about this effort, so I'm hoping they're promoting this just to make that point. Somehow, I think they're serious. Is it just me, or do Utahns for Ethical Government make the actual text of the petition so damn hard to find on their website that we just stop trying? I see how to sign, where to sign, FAQ's, setting the record straight...where's the great big impossible-to-miss headline link or click-though graphic that says "READ THE PETITION HERE"?

GoUtah! has more.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


Democrat Compares Health-Care Opponents to Nazis [More]
Because we oppose national socialism, you see...

By the way, a "pro-gun democrat" (NVJCC) is making the case for the takeover in "Comments" to yesterday's post. Feel free to jump in.

[Via Texas Shooter]

We're the Only Ones Snowballing Enough

Story and video.

All you really need to know:
D.C. police said the patrol officer appeared to have acted appropriately...
That way, Cathy Lanier can keep her apple barrel unspoiled.

Once more District "Only Ones" expect us to swallow that they're of the right temperament to carry guns while you and I are not.

UPDATE: Two of the GREs also covered it today, Messrs. Workman and Nemerov.

[Via at least a dozen of you and counting so far...]

We're the Only Ones Secret Enough

[B]ecause of a state law, the public is forbidden access to disciplinary actions against police officers. [More]
"Only Ones" gone wild? None of your damn business.

A concealed carry data base?

The public has a right to know, by gum!

Any questions?

[Via Harvey]

Did Justice Ginsburg Call for Overturning Heller Decision?

So what was alarming about Ginsburg's speech?

"As an example, she pointed to the dissent in District of Columbia v. Heller." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a report on a black-robed subversive laying the groundwork for future treason.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?

This Day in History: December 21

I confess to you, that I was not more surprised than concerned at receiving so extraordinary a Letter from Mr. Duché, of whom I had entertained the most favourable opinion, and I am still willing to suppose, that it was rather dictated by his fears than by his real sentiments; but I very much doubt whether the great numbers of respectable Characters, in the State and Army, on whom he has bestowed the most unprovoked and unmerited abuse will ever attribute it to the same Cause, or forgive the Man who has artfully endeavoured to engage me to Sacrifice them to purchase my own safety. [More]