Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We're the Only Ones Who Just Slay You Enough

D.C. officer charged with felony murder in shooting [More]
Because in the nation's capitol, the place where they are supposed to serve We the People through observing the restrictions of delegate enumerated powers, all the while honoring the inviolate nature of unalienable rights, only the "Only Ones" can be trusted to carry guns.

Leave it to Cathy Lanier to bring us the comedy gold:
"We will not allow this department to be judged by one bad apple"...
Don't worry, Chief. We'll consider the whole barrel.

[Via Harvey]


Crotalus said...

Doesn't matter if you won't allow the department to be judged by one "bad apple". The People reserve judgement in spite of your pontifications.

straightarrow said...

We've been digging through the rotten detritus for years now, looking for the good apple they keep insisting is somewhere in that barrel.

However, I am heartened by the fact that no PIO has stated that he was acting within dept. policy and protocols. Guess that comes later when the rest of the force calls in sick.

jselvy said...

Give it time SA, Give it time.